The Security of Autonomous Driving: Threats, Defenses, and Future Directions |
AVs, Sensors, In-Vehicle system, In-Vehicle protocol |
2020 |
Drift with Devil: Security of Multi-Sensor Fusion based Localization in High-Level Autonomous Driving under GPS Spoofing |
Baidu Apollo MSF, LiDAR, GPS, IMU, GPS spoofing, FusionRipper |
2020 |
Invisible for both Camera and LiDAR: Security of Multi-Sensor Fusion based Perception in Autonomous Driving Under Physical-World Attacks |
MSF, LiDAR, camera, adversarial 3D object, white-box attack, MSF_ADV |
2021 |
Automated Discovery of Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities in Connected Vehicle Protocols |
CV network, DoS, PMP, Mute attack |
2021 |
Dirty Road Can Attack: Security of Deep Learning based Automated Lane Centering under Physical-World Attack |
Dirty patch, ALC |
2021 |
Adversarial Sensor Attack on LiDAR-based Perception in Autonomous Driving |
LiDAR, Adversarial machine learning, Sensor attack |
2019 |
Edge Computing for Autonomous Driving: Opportunities and Challenges |
CAVs, edge computing; heterogeneous computing, VANET, V2X, vehicular operating system |
2019 |
Localization and Navigation in Autonomous Driving: Threats and Countermeasures |
Localization, Navigation, GPS, HP map, INS, IMU |
2019 |
Internet of Autonomous Vehicles Communications Security: Overview, Issues, and Directions |
Internet of Autonomous Vehicles (IoAV), VANET, Layer Classifications, DoS attack |
2019 |
Security vulnerabilities of connected vehicle streams and their impact on cooperative driving |
VANET, V2V Security, Cooperattve Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) |
2015 |