
extended MMC5 mapper

Primary LanguageC++


extended MMC5 mapper

This mapper extends MMC5 to allow usage of CHR RAM, and expands WRAM to 1024KB. All CHR banking modes are available with both ROM and RAM. It is fully backwards compatible with standard MMC5. Commercial MMC5 games should have no issue running with this mapper.

This implementation is for Nintendulator. It is assigned Mapper #221 (0xDD)

Sample NES 2.0 header (from mmc5p.s)

.segment "HEADER"

.byte			'N','E','S', $1A
.byte			$02
.byte			$00
.byte			$D0 | $00	;MMC5+, custom mapper 221
.byte			$D8			;nes 2.0			
.byte			$00
.byte			$00
.byte			$0E			;1024KB of PRGRAM
.byte			$0C			;256KB of CHRRAM
.byte			$00
.byte			$00
.byte			$00, $00

The primary changes are with IO registers $5101 and $5113:

Register $5101 adds a toggle at bit 7: [MxxxxxCC] 1 for RAM, 0 for ROM. All banking modes work with either.

Register $5113 is extended from [xxxxxCBB] to [xCBBBBB]. This mapping allows addressing up to 1024KB of memory.

Legacy writes remain fully compatible with this mapper.