- 0
How to use Crouton.makeText in AsyncTask
#254 opened by NMelis - 2
- 0
not working... after changing app theme.
#250 opened by hikjs - 1
show crouton below Toolbar
#249 opened by pishguy - 1
How to use in Fragment?
#246 opened by brunochichava - 1
No constructors works
#245 opened by brunochichava - 1
Crouton disable auto hide
#252 opened by pishguy - 2
SpannableString or Html tags ?
#251 opened by adrienrx - 3
change position
#247 opened by pishguy - 2
Visual glitch when using a navigation drawer
#248 opened by vanlooverenkoen - 5
memory leak in
#240 opened by soxunyi - 2
Croupton not works on android version 16
#243 opened by ashokstel - 2
Crouton with custom view and match_parent height
#244 opened by RlagoMan - 2
Crouton cannot display in lollipop
#232 opened by mistrydarshan99 - 3
Memory leak in DefaultAnimationsBuilder
#239 opened by brunoaguiar - 2
not an issue :) but a question about Snackbar.
#242 opened by AndreiD - 5
- 4
Not able to use a white background
#235 opened by paolop - 7
Crouton bleeding
#199 opened by ravishanker - 1
Crouton appearing offscreen
#202 opened by super-cache-money - 5
Crouton not showing outAnimation
#210 opened by choiruru - 1
Gradient background support for Crouton?
#203 opened by SrikanthKabadi - 9
Check if there are crouton to show or visible
#212 opened by marcelpinto - 9
Does not compile with Gradle
#214 opened by powder366 - 1
- 1
invoke makeText().show() many times, it will toast one by one taking a long time
#225 opened by kaedea - 6
Not showing below Toolbar
#227 opened by ppamorim - 1
Show at bottom
#236 opened by patelakshay13890 - 0
Cant use a custom Style for Crouton
#238 opened by ghiyatshanif - 1
Push view down with crouton
#237 opened by andytriboletti - 0
Where can I find the latest jar?
#234 opened by amilcar-andrade - 1
#231 opened by MgHlaing - 1
cancellAllCroutons doesnt fire onRemoved callback
#230 opened by omgreel - 3
Need remove delayed messages API.
#228 opened by segomin - 1
Crouton showing on Toolbar.
#229 opened by TostF - 1
- 0
Setting gravity for custom view in crouton
#216 opened - 1
- 1
- 1
Crouton not showing on Samsung Galaxy Note 4
#224 opened by zawarq - 1
TouchMode problem
#222 opened by 2manyvcos - 6
Crouton with Material new Toolbar
#219 opened by martarodriguezm - 4
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x10102eb
#220 opened by faisalmemon1991 - 12
Crashes in L Preview
#198 opened by roms - 1
- 1
Does not compile under Android Studio
#213 opened by powder366 - 1
Global configuration
#215 opened by vpratfr - 3
Infinite Crouton in Android only appears once
#207 opened by AnirudhaAgashe - 2
Required onDismissListener, add to top of all activities, if start new activity should also appear
#209 opened - 0
Gradle issue
#208 opened