
A PHP port of Gibberish AES javascript encryption library, https://github.com/mdp/gibberish-aes

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Gibberish AES, a PHP Implementation

See Gibberish AES javascript encryption library, https://github.com/mdp/gibberish-aes

This class is based on initial code proposed by nbari at dalmp dot com http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.openssl-decrypt.php#107210

Live Demo



  • OpenSSL functions installed and PHP version >= 5.3.3 (the preferred case)


  • Mcrypt functions installed.

If none of these functions exist, the class will try to use openssl from the command line (avoid this case).

Usage Example:

echo '<br />';

// This is a secret key, keep it in a safe place and don't loose it.
$key = 'my secret key';
echo '$key = '.$key;
echo '<br />';
// The string to be encrypted.
$string = 'my secret message';
echo '$string = '.$string;
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';

// The default key size is 256 bits.
$old_key_size = GibberishAES::size();

echo 'Encryption and decryption using a 256-bit key:';
echo '<br />';
// This is the result after encryption of the given string.
$encrypted_string = GibberishAES::enc($string, $key);
// This is the result after decryption of the previously encrypted string.
// $decrypted_string == $string (should be).
$decrypted_string = GibberishAES::dec($encrypted_string, $key);
echo '$encrypted_string = '.$encrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '$decrypted_string = '.$decrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';

echo 'Encryption and decryption using a 192-bit key:';
echo '<br />';
$encrypted_string = GibberishAES::enc($string, $key);
$decrypted_string = GibberishAES::dec($encrypted_string, $key);
echo '$encrypted_string = '.$encrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '$decrypted_string = '.$decrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';

echo 'Encryption and decryption using a 128-bit key:';
echo '<br />';
$encrypted_string = GibberishAES::enc($string, $key);
$decrypted_string = GibberishAES::dec($encrypted_string, $key);
echo '$encrypted_string = '.$encrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '$decrypted_string = '.$decrypted_string;
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';

// Restore the old key size.

Author: Ivan Tcholakov, 2012-2014.
License: The MIT License (MIT), http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT