
Distributed locks (mutexes & semaphores) using Memcached or Redis

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

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đź”’ Distributed semaphores using Memcached or Redis in Ruby.

Suo provides a very performant distributed lock solution using Compare-And-Set (CAS) commands in Memcached, and WATCH/MULTI in Redis. It allows locking both single exclusion (like a mutex - sharing one resource), as well as multiple resources.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'suo'



# Memcached
suo = Suo::Client::Memcached.new("foo_resource", connection: "")

# Redis
suo = Suo::Client::Redis.new("baz_resource", connection: {host: ""})

# Pre-existing client
suo = Suo::Client::Memcached.new("bar_resource", client: some_dalli_client)

suo.lock do
  # critical code here

# The resources argument is the number of resources the semaphore will allow to lock (defaulting to one - a mutex)
suo = Suo::Client::Memcached.new("bar_resource", client: some_dalli_client, resources: 2)

Thread.new { suo.lock { puts "One"; sleep 2 } }
Thread.new { suo.lock { puts "Two"; sleep 2 } }
Thread.new { suo.lock { puts "Three" } }

# will print "One" "Two", but not "Three", as there are only 2 resources

# custom acquisition timeouts (time to acquire)
suo = Suo::Client::Memcached.new("protected_key", client: some_dalli_client, acquisition_timeout: 1) # in seconds

# manually locking/unlocking
# the return value from lock without a block is a unique token valid only for the current lock
# which must be unlocked manually
token = suo.lock

# custom stale lock expiration (cleaning of dead locks)
suo = Suo::Client::Redis.new("other_key", client: some_redis_client, stale_lock_expiration: 60*5)

Stale locks

"Stale locks" - those acquired more than stale_lock_expiration (defaulting to 3600 or one hour) ago - are automatically cleared during any operation on the key (lock, unlock, refresh). The locked? method will not return true if only stale locks exist, but will not modify the key itself.

To re-acquire a lock in the middle of a block, you can use the refresh method on client.

suo = Suo::Client::Redis.new("foo")

# lock is the same token as seen in the manual example, above
suo.lock do |token|
  5.times do


  • more race condition tests


View the changelog.


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