
Official C# dotnet client SDK for Iggy.rs message streaming.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

.NET Nuget (with prereleases)

C# SDK for Iggy

Getting Started

Currently supported transfer protocols

  • TCP
  • HTTP

The whole SDK revolves around IIggyClient interface to create an instance of it, use following code

var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
        .AddFilter("Iggy_SDK.MessageStream.Implementations;", LogLevel.Trace)
var bus = MessageStreamFactory.CreateMessageStream(options =>
    options.BaseAdress = "";
    options.Protocol = Protocol.Tcp;
}, loggerFactory);

Iggy necessitates the use of ILoggerFactory to generate logs from locations that are inaccessible to the user.

In addition to the basic configuration settings, Iggy provides support for batching send/poll messages at intervals, which effectively decreases the frequency of network calls, this option is enabled by default.

var bus = MessageStreamFactory.CreateMessageStream(options =>
    options.BaseAdress = "";
    options.Protocol = protocol;
    options.IntervalBatchingConfig = x =>
        x.Enabled = true;
        x.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
        x.MaxMessagesPerBatch = 1000;
        x.MaxRequests = 4096;
    options.MessagePollingSettings = x =>
        x.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
        x.StoreOffsetStrategy = StoreOffset.AfterProcessingEachMessage;
}, loggerFactory);

Creating and logging in a user

To begin, utilize the root account (note that the root account cannot be removed or updated).

var response = await bus.LoginUser(new LoginUserRequest
    Username = "iggy",
    Password = "iggy",

Furthermore, after logging in, you have the option to create an account with customizable Permissions.

await bus.CreateUser(new CreateUserRequest
    Username = "test_user",
    Password = "pa55w0rD!@",
    Status = UserStatus.Active,
    Permissions = new Permissions
        Global = new GlobalPermissions
            ManageServers = true,
            ManageUsers = true,
            ManageStreams = true,
            ManageTopics = true,
            PollMessages = true,
            ReadServers = true,
            ReadStreams = true,
            ReadTopics = true,
            ReadUsers = true,
            SendMessages = true
        Streams = new Dictionary<int, StreamPermissions>
                streamId, new StreamPermissions
                    ManageStream = true,
                    ReadStream = true,
                    SendMessages = true,
                    PollMessages = true,
                    ManageTopics = true,
                    ReadTopics = true,
                    Topics = new Dictionary<int, TopicPermissions>
                            topicId, new TopicPermissions
                                ManageTopic = true,
                                ReadTopic = true,
                                PollMessages = true,
                                SendMessages = true

var response = await bus.LoginUser(new LoginUserRequest
    Username = "test_user",
    Password = "pa55w0rD!@",

Alternatively, once you've logged in, you can create a Personal Access Token that can be reused for further logins.

var response = await bus.LoginUser(new LoginUserRequest
    Username = "your_username",
    Password = "your_password",

var patResponse = await bus.CreatePersonalAccessTokenAsync(new CreatePersonalAccessTokenRequest
    Name = "first-pat",
    Expiry = 60, // seconds from creation time
await bus.LoginWithPersonalAccessToken(new LoginWithPersonalAccessToken
    Token = patResponse.Token

Creating first stream and topic

In order to create stream use CreateStreamAsync method.

await bus.CreateStreamAsync(new StreamRequest
    StreamId = 1,
    Name = "first-stream",

Every stream has a topic to which you can broadcast messages, for the purpose of create one use CreateTopicAsync method.

var streamId = Identifier.Numeric(1);
await bus.CreateTopicAsync(streamId, new TopicRequest
    Name = "first-topic",
    PartitionsCount = 3,
    TopicId = 1

Notice that both Stream aswell as Topic use - instead of space in its name, Iggy will replace any spaces in name with - instead, so keep that in mind.

Sending messages

To send messages you can use SendMessagesAsync method.

Func<byte[], byte[]> encryptor = static payload =>
    string aes_key = "AXe8YwuIn1zxt3FPWTZFlAa14EHdPAdN9FaZ9RQWihc=";
    string aes_iv = "bsxnWolsAyO7kCfWuyrnqg==";
    var key = Convert.FromBase64String(aes_key);
    var iv = Convert.FromBase64String(aes_iv);
    using Aes aes = Aes.Create();
    ICryptoTransform encryptor = aes.CreateEncryptor(key, iv);
    using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
    using CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
    using BinaryWriter streamWriter = new BinaryWriter(cryptoStream);
    return memoryStream.ToArray();

var messages = new List<Message>(); // your messages
var streamId = Identifier.Numeric(1);
var topicId = Identifier.Numeric(1);
await bus.SendMessagesAsync(new MessageSendRequest
    Messages = new List<Message>(),
    Partitioning = Partitioning.PartitionId(1),
    StreamId = streamId,
    TopicId = topicId,
}, encryptor); //encryptor is optional

The Message struct has two fields Id and Payload.

struct Message
    public required Guid Id { get; init; }
    public required byte[] Payload { get; init; }

Furthermore, there's a generic overload for this method that takes binary serializer as argument.

Func<Envelope, byte[]> serializer = static envelope =>
    Span<byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[envelope.MessageType.Length + 4 + envelope.Payload.Length];
    BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32LittleEndian(buffer[..4], envelope.MessageType.Length);
    Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(envelope.MessageType).CopyTo(buffer[4..(envelope.MessageType.Length + 4)]);
    Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(envelope.Payload).CopyTo(buffer[(envelope.MessageType.Length + 4)..]);
    return buffer.ToArray();

var messages = new List<Envelope>(); // your messages
await bus.SendMessagesAsync(new MessageSendRequest<Envelope>
    StreamId = streamId,
    TopicId = topicId,
    Partitioning = Partitioning.PartitionId(1),
    Messages = messages

Both generic and non generic method accept optional Headers dictionary.

var headers = new Dictionary<HeaderKey, HeaderValue>
    { new HeaderKey { Value = "key_1".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromString("test-value-1") },
    { new HeaderKey { Value = "key_2".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromInt32(69) },
    { new HeaderKey { Value = "key_3".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromFloat(420.69f) },
    { new HeaderKey { Value = "key_4".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromBool(true) },
    { new HeaderKey { Value = "key_5".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromBytes(byteArray) },
    { new HeaderKey { Value = "key_6".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromInt128(new Int128(6969696969, 420420420)) },
    { new HeaderKey { Value = "key7".ToLower() }, HeaderValue.FromGuid(Guid.NewGuid()) }

await bus.SendMessagesAsync<Envelope>(new MessageSendRequest<Envelope>
    StreamId = streamId,
    TopicId = topicId,
    Partitioning = Partitioning.PartitionId(1),
    Messages = messages

Fetching Messages

Fetching messages is done with FetchMessagesAsync.

Func<byte[], byte[]> decryptor = static payload =>
    string aes_key = "AXe8YwuIn1zxt3FPWTZFlAa14EHdPAdN9FaZ9RQWihc=";
    string aes_iv = "bsxnWolsAyO7kCfWuyrnqg==";
    var key = Convert.FromBase64String(aes_key);
    var iv = Convert.FromBase64String(aes_iv);
    using Aes aes = Aes.Create();
    ICryptoTransform decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(key, iv);
    using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(payload);
    using CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read);
    using BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(cryptoStream);
    return binaryReader.ReadBytes(payload.Length);

var messages = await bus.FetchMessagesAsync(new MessageFetchRequest
    StreamId = streamId,
    TopicId = topicId,
    Consumer = Consumer.New(1),
    Count = 1,
    PartitionId = 1,
    PollingStrategy = PollingStrategy.Next(),
    AutoCommit = true

Similarly, as with SendMessagesAsync, there's a generic overload that accepts a binary deserializer.

Func<byte[], Envelope> deserializer = serializedData =>
    Envelope envelope = new Envelope();
    int messageTypeLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(serializedData, 0);
    envelope.MessageType = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serializedData, 4, messageTypeLength);
    envelope.Payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serializedData, 4 + messageTypeLength, serializedData.Length - (4 + messageTypeLength));
    return envelope;

var messages = await bus.FetchMessagesAsync<Envelope>(new MessageFetchRequest
    StreamId = streamId,
    TopicId = topicId,
    Consumer = Consumer.New(1),
    Count = 1,
    PartitionId = 1,
    PollingStrategy = PollingStrategy.Next(),
    AutoCommit = true
}, deserializer, decryptor);

Beyond the FetchMessagesAsync functionality, there's also a PollMessagesAsync method that spawns new thread which polls messages in background.

await foreach (var messageResponse in bus.PollMessagesAsync<Envelope>(new PollMessagesRequest
    Consumer = Consumer.New(consumerId),
    Count = 1,
    TopicId = topicId,
    StreamId = streamId,
    PartitionId = 1,
    PollingStrategy = PollingStrategy.Next(),
}, deserializer, decryptor))
    //handle the message response

It is worth noting that every method (except PollMessagesAsync) will throw an InvalidResponseException when encountering an error.

If you register IIggyClient in a dependency injection container, you will have access to interfaces that encapsulate smaller parts of the system IIggyStream IIggyTopic IIggyPublisher IIggyConsumer IIggyConsumerGroup IIggyOffset IIggyPartition IIggyUsers IIggyUtils

For more information about how Iggy works check its documentation

Producer / Consumer Sample


To run the samples, first get Iggy, Run the server with cargo r --bin server, then get the SDK, cd into Iggy_SDK and run following commands: dotnet run -c Release --project Iggy_Sample_Producer for producer, dotnet run -c Release --project Iggy_Sample_Consumer for consumer.


  • Add support for ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection