Load-Balanced Redundancy Transitioning

Primary LanguageJava


BAlanced Redundancy Transitioning

Table of Contents


BART is a load-balanced redundancy transitioning scheme for large-scale erasure-coded storage, with the objective of minimizing the overall redundancy transitioning time through carefully scheduled parallelization.

  • BART generates the redundancy transitioning solutions based on the stripe placements
  • BART performs the actual transitioning operations to change the redundancy (i.e., coding parameters) of existing data

System Architecture

Backend Storage

  • HDFS (HDFS3 integration mode) (default)
  • Local FS (standalone mode)


  • BTSGenerator (collocated with HDFS NameNode)

    • Read input stripe metadata
      • HDFS
      • Local
    • Generate transitioning solution
      • output stripe metadata; stripe group metadata
    • It also serves as the simulator
  • Controller (collocated with HDFS NameNode)

    • Parse the transitioning solution from BTSGenerator
      • input stripe metadata, output stripe metadata; stripe group metadata
    • Generate transitioning commands
      • Parity block generation (compute new parity blocks by parity merging)
      • Stripe re-distribution (transfer data blocks or new parity blocks)
    • Distribute the transitioning commands to Agents
    • Wait for all Agents to finish the transitioning
  • Agent (collocated with HDFS DataNode)

    • Handle the transitioning commands
      • Parity block generation
      • Stripe re-distribution
    • Pipeline
      • Parity block generation
        • Retrieve original parity blocks (local read; transfer from other Agents)
        • Compute new parity blocks
        • Write
      • Stripe re-distribution
        • Read (read locally)
        • Transfer to other Agents
        • Write

System Requirements

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04 (tested)
  • Backend storage
  • Middleware
    • Third-party libraries
      • Communication: Sockpp (socket-based library) (link)
      • Erasure coding: ISA-L (link)


  • We assume the following default parameters:

    • Number of storage nodes = 30
    • Number of stripes (randomly distributed) = 1200
    • Transitioning parameters: (k,m,λ) = (6,3,3) (or (k,m) = (6,3) to (18,3))
    • Block size: 64MiB
    • Network bandwidth: 1Gbps
    • Mode: HDFS3 integration mode
  • Machines

    • Prepare a cluster of 30 + 1 machines in Alibaba Cloud (link)
      • Machine type: ecs.g7.xlarge
        • CPU: 4 vCPUs
        • Memory: 16 GiB
      • Disk type: 100GiB ESSD with level PL1
    • Default username: bart
    • Configure mutual password-less ssh login for all machines: link
    • Configure network bandwidth: link

We provide the sample machine configs below:

Machine Number IP
Controller (NameNode) 1
Agent (DataNode) 30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Configure Network Bandwidth

  • We configure the network bandwidth via Wondershaper link

  • On each machine, configure the network bandwidth to 1 Gbps

cd wondershaper
sudo ./wondershaper -a eth0 -u 1048576 -d 1048576


Please install HDFS (patched) and middleware for ALL machines.

HDFS Installation

Please install the below dependencies, and build HDFS with BART-patch

General Dependencies

Install the general dependencies with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install g++ make cmake yasm nasm autoconf libtool git

Note: cmake version needs to be v3.12 or above (for installing Sockpp)


Install Java 8

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk


Install Maven

sudo apt-get install maven


Install ISA-L with the following instructions (you may also follow the default instructions on Github repo):

git clone https://github.com/intel/isa-l.git
sudo make install

Build HDFS-3.3.4 with BART-patch

  • Add the following paths to ~/.bashrc
# java
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

# maven
export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/share/maven

# hadoop
export HADOOP_HOME=/home/bart/hadoop-3.3.4
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar
  • Applying the changes
source ~/.bashrc
  • Download Hadoop source code hadoop-3.3.4-src.tar.gz (link) and extract to /home/bart/hadoop-3.3.4-src

  • Build HDFS-3.3.4 with BART-patch

cd bart-hdfs3-integration
bash install.sh

After the building, we can find the compiled Hadoop on /home/bart/hadoop-3.3.4.tar.gz. Extract to /home/bart/hadoop-3.3.4/ (the current $HADOOP_HOME).

Note: you can also refer to the official Hadoop document for building from the source code. link

HDFS configurations

Please copy the configuration files from bart-hdfs3-integration/etc/hadoop to $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop.

For example, copy the Vandermonde-based RS(6,3) and RS(18,3) configuration files user_ec_policies_rs_legacy_6_3.xml and user_ec_policies_rs_legacy_18_3.xml

cp bart-hdfs3-integration/etc/hadoop/user_ec_policies_rs_legacy_6_3.xml $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop
cp bart-hdfs3-integration/etc/hadoop/user_ec_policies_rs_legacy_18_3.xml $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

We highlight some configurations below:

  • Update $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml
    • Update HDFS block size dfs.blocksize to 64MiB
    • Add dfs.namenode.external.metadata.path to hdfs-site.xml
    • You can follow the configurations as below

For the other configurations, you can check the Hadoop official document for details. link

  • Vandermonde-based RS(6,3) configuration file user_ec_policies_rs_legacy_6_3.xml

    • Reference: RS-LEGACY in HDFS link
  • For the other unspecified parameters, we use the default settings.

Note: please distribute $HADOOP_HOME/ together with all updated configuration files in $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop to ALL nodes.

Middleware Installation

Please install the below dependencies, and build the BART prototype.


Install with the following instructions (you may also follow the default instructions on Github repo)

git clone https://github.com/fpagliughi/sockpp.git
cd sockpp
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig


Build the middleware with the following instructions

mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..


We provide the sample configuration file conf/config.ini for the default settings. Please copy the configuration files to all nodes.

We list the configuration parameters in conf/config.ini as below:

Parameters Description Example
k_i Input k 6
m_i Input m 3
k_f Output k (or λ * input k) 18
m_f Output m (the same as input m) 3
num_nodes Number of storage nodes 30
num_stripes Number of stripes 1200
approach Transitioning solution BTPM (for BART); BWPM (for Bandwidth-driven solution); RDPM (for randomized solution)
enable_HDFS whether to perform transitioning from HDFS (or local storage) true (HDFS); false (local storage)
controller_addr Address of Controller (IP:port)
agent_addrs Address of all Agents (IP:port),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
pre_placement_filename Input stripe metadata (stripe placement) /home/bart/BART/metadata/pre_placement
pre_block_mapping_filename Input stripe metadata (block to physical path mapping) /home/bart/BART/metadata/pre_block_mapping
post_placement_filename Output stripe metadata (stripe placement) /home/bart/BART/metadata/post_placement
post_block_mapping_filename Output stripe metadata (block to physical path mapping) /home/bart/BART/metadata/post_block_mapping
sg_meta_filename Stripe group metadata (grouping information, encoding method and encoding nodes) /home/bart/BART/metadata/post_block_mapping
block_size Block size (If HDFS is enabled, should be consistent with HDFS configurations) 67108864
num_compute_workers Number of compute worker threads 10
num_reloc_workers Number of relocation worker threads 10
HDFS should setup when HDFS is enabled
hadoop_namenode_addr NameNode IP address
hadoop_home HDFS home directory /home/bart/hadoop-3.3.4
hadoop_cell_size HDFS cell size (should be consistent with HDFS ec policy) 1048576 (default HDFS cell size)
hadoop_transitioning_path the HDFS directory storing the input stripes /ec_test
hdfs_file_prefix File prefixes of HDFS files testfile
hdfs_file_size File size (input k * block size) 402653184
metadata_file_path HDFS file metadata (after transitioning) /home/bart/jsonfile/
block_id_start HDFS block metadata -922337203685477500 (by default)
block_group_id_start HDFS block metadata 2000 (by default)

Note: please distribute /home/bart/BART/ to ALL nodes.

Run Simulation

  • Generate input stripe metadata (into pre_placement)
cd build
./GenPrePlacement 6 3 18 3 30 1200 pre_placement
  • Generate the transitioning solution (output stripe metadata into post_placement and stripe group metadata sg_meta)
./BTSGenerator 6 3 18 3 30 1200 BTPM pre_placement post_placement sg_meta

We can find the load distribution, max load, transitioning bandwidth and other stats from the console output.

max_load: 61, bandwidth: 1577

Run Prototype

Generate Input Stripes

  • Start HDFS
hdfs namenode -format
  • We write 1200 input stripes to HDFS with RS(6,3)

  • Prepare the directory (/ec_test) for writing EC stripes.

    • Add RS-LEGACY (6,3) and (18,3) to HDFS ec policies
    • Set the coding scheme of input stripe as (6,3)
hdfs ec -addPolicies -policyFile ${HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop/user_ec_policies_rs_legacy_6_3.xml
hdfs ec -enablePolicy -policy RS-LEGACY-6-3-1024k
hdfs ec -addPolicies -policyFile ${HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop/user_ec_policies_rs_legacy_18_3.xml
hdfs ec -enablePolicy -policy RS-LEGACY-18-3-1024k

hadoop fs -mkdir /ec_test
hdfs ec -setPolicy -path /ec_test -policy RS-LEGACY-6-3-1024k

We can check whether the EC policy has been successfully applied to /ec_test:

hdfs ec -getPolicy -path /ec_test
  • For example, we write one single stripe (idx <i>, start from 0 to 1199) as follows
    • Create random files of hdfs_file_size (k * block size = 6 * 64MiB = 402653184)
    • Write the file to HDFS (HDFS randomly distributes the blocks by default)
dd if=/dev/urandom of=testfile<i> bs=64MiB count=6
hdfs dfs -put testfile<i> /ec_test

Generate Transitioning Solution

  • Generate input stripe metadata
cd scripts
python3 gen_pre_stripes.py -config_filename ../conf/config.ini
  • Generate the transitioning solution (output stripe metadata and stripe group metadata)
python3 gen_post_stripes_meta.py -config_filename ../conf/config.ini
  • Parse output stripe metadata for HDFS to support data retrieval after transitioning. The metadata is stored in /home/bart/jsonfile/. Please create the directory /home/bart/jsonfile/ first.
mkdir /home/bart/jsonfile/
python3 recover_post_placement.py -config_filename ../conf/config.ini

Run Controller

On the Controller node, run the executable

./Controller ../conf/config.ini

Run Agent

On each Agent node <agent_id> (from 0 to 29), run the executable

./Agent <agent_id> ../conf/config.ini

Transitioning Time

The transitioning begins after we start the Controller and Agents, and finishes after the Controller and all Agents have finished the execution. The transitioning time will be reported on each node.

Controller::main finished transitioning, time: xxx ms
Agent::main finished transitioning, time: xxx ms

Data Retrieval after Transitioning

We can retrieve the data after transitioning (named testfile0_out), and compare it with the original data testfile0

hdfs dfs -get /ec_test/testfile0
diff testfile0 testfile0_out

Misc: Run in Standalone Mode

if we use standalone mode (enable_HDFS = false), we run the following scripts to generate input stripes:

  • Generate input stripe metadata
cd scripts
python3 gen_pre_stripes.py -config_filename ../conf/config.ini
  • Generate the transitioning solution (output stripe metadata and stripe group metadata)
python3 gen_post_stripes_meta.py -config_filename ../conf/config.ini
  • Generate and distribute the physical stripes
python3 distribute_blocks.py -config_filename ../conf/config.ini

We start the redundancy transitioning by run Controller and run Agent