Visualizing the Titanic Disaster

Load the Titanic dataset (olympics.csv)

Question - 1

Create a dataframe with following data cleanup to make this file redable.

  • Create a function load_data to read CSV file and convert CSV data to dataframe.
  • Return dataframe.

Question - 2

Create a pie chart presenting the male/female proportion.

  • create a function draw_plot.
  • Sum the instances of males and females
  • Put them into a list called proportions
  • Create a pie chart
  • Set plot title to ‘Sex Proportion’
  • Draw plot object. Image should match with the file provided inside files directory with name draw_plot

Question - 3

Create a histogram with the Fare paid

  • create a function draw_histogram.
  • Sort the fare value
  • Create bins interval using numpy
  • Set the title and labels
  • Draw plot object. Image should match with the file provided inside files directory with name draw_histogram