Blog developed in django with the simple but elegant design.
- CSS and Latex fonts integrated
- Posts are presented in very efficient and readable manner
- Formulas can be added with Latex notation
- Share in social networks
- RSS feed
- Post search with tags and auto suggest
- Blog optimized for SEO
- Comments with disqus integration
- Easy writing with Ckeditor (including easy file and image upload)
- Responsive for mobile
To start with project just follow the few steps
$ git clone
$ cd tech-blog-portal
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: Django version must be 1.7 and Python has to be version 2.7.
The first step is to generate the database. In the projects folder:
$ cd tech-blog-portal
$ python syncdb
Django will ask you to create a superuser. You have to put the username and password. The email is optional.
This will generate a file called db.sqlite3
which is the database where all the blog content is stored.
After that you have to make what is called a migration, to create the tables in your database. To do that:
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
In another terminal you have to run django development server:
$ python runserver
In a browser put the link: http://localhost:8000/admin/
To create admin user from terminal:
$ python createsuperuser
The panel will ask you to add username and password. Once you are in django dashboard you can start to add content to your blog.