
A minimized application for Android devices develped for myself. If anyone wants to download it, it´s free, the application has been succesfully tested with a Device running Android 2.3.3 and with an aprox 4 inch screen. The app does really nothing uses any special permissions, so about security it should be OK. If you installed it and it doesn't work well, just uninstall it. It was made because of a course proyect and I published it just in case anyone wants to use it. The application is similar to an existing one in the market, of course the application that I am sharing here is not as good as the one in the market.

Primary LanguageJava

The ONLY purpose of sharing this code is to show my programming work made at the University, or made just to practice some programming languages.

Developed in 2011

El único propósito de compartir este código es el de mostrar el trabajo realizado por mi en la Universidad, o simplemente realizado por practicar algunos lenguajes de programación.

Realizado en 2011

Julián Nicolás Herrero
