For Leetcode website
python中定义单链表singly-Linked list
Definition for singly-linked list.
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x = None
When I finished my code,I found out that the way I used is similar to the algorithm called 滑动窗口Sliding window
for j in range(1,len(s)): #j traverses
if s[j] in s[i:j]: #condition
if j-i > l: l=j-i #sth else,not important
i+=s[i:j].index(s[j])+1 #i jumps according to the condition above
**扩散Central diffusion
(takes too much time)
动态规划Dynamic planning
(similar to my code, but not the same) and
(extremely similar to KMP)
new record: 0ms,100% && 6MB,100%(第三次提交)