
The KBS datacatalog.

Primary LanguageHTML

The KBS LTER Data Catalog System

This is the rails program that powers the data catalog system used by the Kellogg Biological Station Long Term Ecological Research Program. http://lter.kbs.msu.edu/datatables

Copyright @2010 Michigan State Trustees



The system is modeled loosely on the EML schema dataset, datatable, person and protocol modules. The main parts of the system are:

  • Dataset

    Datasets are the container of multiple datatables. This component groups datatables together, the datatables in the dataset are listed under "Related Tables" on the show page for the datatable. A dataset can be converted to an eml document by sending the to_eml message.

  • Datatable

    Datatables present one table of data to the user. They can be backed by a database table or view or a data url that points elsewhere. Datatables describe the location of the data and how to retrieve it as well as a connection point for the list of variates associated with the table.

    A datatable has many variates and a variate has a unit.

    The ``/datasets.xml` endpoint generates a metacat style harvest list of the public datasets that are marked "pasta ready" in dataset table.

  • Protocol

    A protocol is linked to datatables,they can also be linked to datasets but that usage is deprecated. For datasets the protocols of the datatables are collected and presented as a group.

  • Person

    The Person model represents a person. It is associated through the association table with datasets, datatables, and protocols. Persons can have several roles.

  • Citation

    The Citation model represents a publication such as a journal article.


A Rails compatible database and driver, libxml and libxslt for nokogiri. The search functionality depends on the sphinx search daemon. Thinking sphinx requires libmysqlclient-dev to be installed.


git clone https://github.com/kf8a/metadata.git
cd metadata

Copy the config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml and fill in the local values for the database to be used

rake db:migrate
rails s

Then go to `http://localhost:3000/datatables

To test

rake test