
Add files and create PRs across repositories. Useful for generating issue templates.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Create PRs to add issue templates across repositories.

The tool will scan the given directory to determine issue templates. It will create an issue template for each file there, branch off of the latest default branch commit, and create a PR with the issue templates added.

To PR issue templates present in $(pwd)/templates to owner/repoName, call:

node ./cli.js -T ${GITHUB_TOKEN} -R owner/repoName --template-directory $(pwd)/templates

To apply to more than one repository at once, simply give additional space-delimited owner/repoName pairs.

Note that you must either give the octoherd CLI permission for requests (granted interactively in the script) or else pass --octoherd-bypass-confirms true to the script.



About Octoherd

@octoherd is a project to help you keep your GitHub repositories in line.
