
This application is a proof of concept on how to invoke the app via incoming call service The project was achieve with below packages

firebase_messaging (FCM) callkeep

The app was tested on android for now

clone this repo and run

git clone

cd demo_call_app

pod install

flutter run

After the application is successfully built

Replace <YOUR_DEVICE_ID_TOKEN> with the FCM Token printed in the console and run the following curl command. (Android Only)

// curl -X POST --header "Authorization: key=AAAAHx5B794:APA91bFg3-mmTAyRhruxK3AE4lPjKpXASpwTiqeWXHBmVD-UfaeIwxWy-B05o5ELQBSMQY7wVyEA6T6HykI2FPlg-C05GmQksnshmp84m7wgOwU1xFVrqJGTCcX0KfD9bziC6RmEqeXw" \ // --Header "Content-Type: application/json" \ // \ // -d "{\"to\":\"<YOUR_DEVICE_ID_TOKEN>\",\"notification\":{\"title\":\"Hello\",\"body\":\"Yellow\"}}"

Replace <YOUR_DEVICE_VOIP_TOKEN> with the VOIP Token printed in the console and <PARTH_TO_VOIP_PERM_FILE> and run the following curl command. (IOS Only)

curl -v \ -d '{ "caller_id": "+8618612345678", "caller_name": "ADOLF", "caller_id_type": "number", "has_video": "false", }' \ -H "apns-topic: com.adhilcallapp.voip" \ -H "apns-priority: 10" \ --http2 \ --cert <PARTH_TO_VOIP_PERM_FILE>\<YOUR_DEVICE_VOIP_TOKEN>