ros_google_sbi contains a Google search by image (sbi) interface written in Python for ROS. It uses py_google_sbi.
The ROS Package may be build and installed using catkin.
Non ROS server dependencies python + modules: curl nltk (used for stopword filter)
Non ROS client dependencies python + modules: opencv (snapshot) matplotlib (draws pie-charts)
install ROS, catkin, create a catkin workspace see http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials/create_a_workspace
cd <catkin_ws>/src
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fesselk/ros_google_sbi.git
cd <catkin_ws>/src
git clone https://github.com/fesselk/ros_google_sbi.git ros_google_sbi
cd ros_google_sbi
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd <catkin_ws>
catkin_make install
prior running source your catkin_ws installs setup.sh source <catkin_ws>/install/setup.sh
##run server
cd <catkin_ws>
roslaunch ros_google_sbi sbi.launch
##run client
rosrun ros_google_sbi nameit_client -h
rosrun ros_google_sbi nameit_client <filename.jpg>