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Unix/CLI Diagnostic


Setup Instructions

  • Fork this repository to your GitHub account.


  • Copy the ssh link shown on the top of the page.


  • Open your terminal and navigate to your wdi/diagnostics directory.

  • Type git clone + the URL that you just copied from, and hit enter. This will copy the repository from to your current location.

  • cd into the unix-cli-diagnostic directory


-Type git branch response to create a new branch.

-Type git checkout response to switch to your response branch.

-Finally, follow the directions given in

Submitting Your Solution

Stage your files with: git add <"Filename">

Commit your changes with git commit (leave a good commit message)

Push your changes with git push origin response

Finally, go back to the GitHub page for your fork (the place where you copied the URL). Create a pull request.

That's it - you're done!

  1. All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact