Various scripts for Stata
: converts state variables to FIPS state code- can figure out state abbreviations and full state names
- note that this creates a numeric FIPS with state name labels; the proper FIPS specification is a two-character string variable with a leading zero
: recodes county FIPS codes based on changes in county-equivalent jurisdictions- present-oriented for use in 2016
- very much a draft and unusable at this point
: runs grep on string variable and returns new variable with matches- requires shell access to grep (Mac, Linux, etc.)
- allows Stata 13 long strings
- currently very inefficient, but Stata's regex is pretty limited
: exports output of shell command to a local- useful for more powerful regular expressions
- this is a rewrite of Nikos Askitas's
taking advantage of Stata 13's long-string support
: batch convert files to Stata format using StatTransfer- requires Roger Newson's
and that path be set to StatTransfer CLI app (e.g.,global StatTransfer_path /Applications/StatTransfer11/st
- requires Roger Newson's
Feel free to contribute by making a pull request.