
#####USE NODE 6.9.*

##Fork this shit

  1. click the magic fork button at the top
  2. clone you own copy git clone<YOUR_USER>/there-is-in-it.git
  3. edit the words that have in them list file in ./data/wordsThatHaveInThem.txt

##Setup this shit - Step I - add words to the list -
The file data/wordsThatHaveInThem.txt is newline separated list of all words that have in them, add as many as you can.
- Step II - create a slack bot in your account

  • go here https://<YOUR_ORGANIZATION>
  • enter the bot user name
  • scroll down to set up name and avatar and shit
  • we will need to use the API Token so keep the page open

##Deploy this shit (local also works) There are 2 environment variables you need to set before using:
#####SLACK_BOT_API_TOKEN - The API Token of the bot we just created #####SLACK_BOT_NAME - The name of the bot (no spaces allowed so probably something like there_is_in_it)

To run locally run node index.js
If you need to set env vars you can use

As long as the process is running the bot will run.

You can deploy to heroku or aws