DankMemes2 - Android App Build status

DankMemes is a meme sharing app.
DankMemes is free and open source with absolutely no Ads.
Latest build available in releases section


DankMemes is an meme aggregator with that sources Dankest of memes from some of the best subreddits.

This application was originally created by Pankaj Kumar Roy and released under the GNU GPLv3.


The android app lets you:

  • Scroll infinite memes.
  • Star the best one to be displayed in the community section.
  • Community options handled by firebase.
  • Zoom on items with double-tap.
  • Configuration menu for changing sources.
  • Intuitive Onboarding process.
  • Minimal permission required.
  • Can operate withou any user permissions.



On Android versions prior to Android 6.0, DankMemes requires the following permissions:

  • Full Network Access.
  • Read and write access to external storage.


Scoped storage needs to be implemented, for Android 11.