
Automated research toolkit for testing vulnerabilities

Primary LanguagePython


General Installation

The install script requires that pip is installed to satisfy python dependencies. You can then run sudo ./install.sh from the root of the source tree to install XShop.

To use XShop, you must have installed one of the supported virtualization providers. Currently XShop supports:

  • Docker
  • Vagrant
  • XShopVB


Docker is the most performant of the three. To use docker, you must have it installed, and configured to run without sudo. You will also need to install Docker Compose. Docker Machine is not supported. Once installed, you may want to build the default testing image, used in most projects: xshop build_image base_test_image.


To test some system components, such as the kernel, virtual machines must be used. Vagrant is one possibility. Vagrant supports a number of virtual machine providers, but VirtualBox was used for testing. It is a good idea to install the vagrant-vbguest plugin, as it makes kernel changes much more reliable.


An alternative to Vagrant is an experimental tool, written for XShop. It also uses VirtualBox as the underlying technology, but attempts to implement build caching similar to that offered by Docker. This is done by maintaining a tree of snapshots. This tool offers significant performance advantages over Vagrant. It is designed to interact with Virtual Boxes which were configured for use with Vagrant (i.e. vagrant user/ssh configuration). You must manually configure this. The easiest way is to use Vagrant to provision the desired Box, and then use VBoxManage to rename it to the required name (how you wish to identify the box in the XShopFile).

Project Goals

  • Expand CVE metadata
  • Develop a toolkit for managing automated testing of libraries and their vulnerabilities. For example:
    • Test a new release of a library against all of its known vulnerabilities
    • Test new vulnerability against all versions of a library to measure impact and detect when the bug was introduced
    • Produce a list of known vulnerabilities that a given system or docker image is susceptible to
    • Experiment to see if compiler flags or wrapper can patch vulnerability
  • Develop infrastructure to provide a number of services to facilitate research:
    • Track susceptibility of library versions vs. their known vulnerabilities
    • Keep instructions for compiling old library versions
    • Provide community website for discussion and experimentation

Template System


XShop draws inspiration from the Dockerfile format to allow exploit authors to specify how test environments are built. From Dockerfile, XShop supports four verbs, ADD, RUN, FROM, WORKDIR. Additionally, it supports KERNEL [version], which instructs XShop to reboot the environment into the newly installed kernel version. Finally, authors may specify FROM_[PROVIDER], to support multiple providers with different starting image names.

The most powerful feature of the XShopFile is the ability to support templating, which allows the author to specifies the ways in which variation can be introduced into the build process in a controlled manner. Templating is implemented using Jinja2, and as such control flow and loops are also supported.

For example, the dafault XShopFile for installing OpenSSL is:

FROM xshop:base_test_image
VAGRANT_FROM ubuntu/precise64

{% if install_type=="debian" %}
    RUN mkdir ~/packages
    ADD {{ library }}-{{ version }} ~/packages/
    RUN dpkg -i ~/packages/*.deb
    RUN apt-get -y install -f

{% elif install_type=='source' %}
    ADD {{ library }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz ~/
    WORKDIR ~/{{ library }}-{{ version }}/
    RUN ./config --prefix=/usr
    RUN make
    RUN make install_sw

{% else %}
    RUN apt-get -y install {{ library }}={{ version }}

{% endif %}

Keep in mind that Docker caches consecutive builds up until a new command is found, so try to keep as much of the file the same as possible for different variables, with differing commands placed at the end of the file.

Project Layout

A project is intended to describe a particular CVE and test it against a single library. Many different experiments can be run to see how the CVE is affected by different situations. The folder hierarchy is as follows:

|- config.yaml
|- test-environment.yml
|- packages
|- source
|- containers	
|  |- target
|  |  |- XShopFile
|  |- attacker
|  |  |- XShopFile
|- test				
|  |- xshop_test.py

A project is created by running xshop new [library] [folder]. The folder name is arbitrary, but the library name is used for manipulating source files (e.g. [library]-[version].tar.gz).


Stores the project configuration. Here is the file used for Heartbleed:

  build-dependencies: []
  dependencies: []
  library: openssl
  install_type: source
  provider: docker
    - 1.0.1f
    - 1.0.1g
  - "http://openssl.org/source/old/1.0.0/openssl-1.0.0r.tar.gz"
  - "http://openssl.org/source/old/1.0.1/openssl-{1.0.1a,1.0.1f,1.0.1g}.tar.gz"
  - "F295C759"
  - "0E604491"
notes: |
    Files are signed with F295C759 and
    0E604491, however these keys are
    PGP-2 and GPG will not import.

constants specify the isolation provider (Vagrant or Docker), library, any other values that should be present in the build and test environment, and installation type (source, packages, remote). Source and packages types will attempt to copy source tarballs from source/[library]-[version]/ or Debian packages from packages/[library]-[version]/ respectively during build.

variables specifies the basic test to demonstrate the proof of concept (i.e. 1.0.1f is vulnerable, 1.0.1g is not). This is run with xshop test.

source specifies URLs where XShop can aquire files needed for the test. XShop automatically expands tuples ({1.0,2.0,3.0}) into multiple URLs and downloads each. These files can be downloaded by xshop pull.

public_keys allows the author to note which keys the files are signed with.

notes are printed after xshop pull downloads the files to notify the user of any idiosyncrasies.


Used to describe the scenario involved in the exploit, including each container and how they are connected. As an example you can set up two communicating containers and perform a MitM attack, a container providing a particular service and an attacker (used in this Heartbleed example), or a standalone container to check privilege escalation attacks. Here is the typical file for a server-client attack environment such as Heartbleed:

  build: attacker/
    - target 
  command: /bin/bash -c "while true; do sleep .1; done"
  build: target/
  command: /bin/bash -c "while true; do sleep .1; done"


Here users can place packages for the library that should be installed. XShop automatically copies all files from packages/[library]-[version] into the build context. From here the user can simply copy and install them during build.


Much like the packages directory, the user can place source tarballs in this directory. XShop automatically copies [library]-[version].tar.gz into the build context and the user can install from the XShopFile by copying in the tarball. Note that Docker/Vagrant automatically decompress the archive.


This holds the build context for each container, including XShopFile and any other files which may be needed during build.


This directory holds any files needed during testing. It also holds the xshop_test.py script for describing the test procedure.

This script allows the user to run functions within the test environment. The user should write the functions to return 2 if there is exploit success and 0 if the exploit fails or the function is only a helper function. If any function returns 2, the XShop considers the exploit a success. If any function returns non-zero other than 2, then XShop considers this an error and aborts the test. Here is an example script for Heartbleed, the actual Heartbleed exploit is in the heartbleed module and has been modified to return the needed values:

import heartbleed
import subprocess
import os
import time

def run(run_function):

def start_server():
        " s_server"
        " -key"
        " server.key"
        " -cert"
        " server.cert5"
        " -accept"
        " 443"
        " -www"], 
    return 0

def run_exploit():
    return heartbleed.main()

Testing Kernels

When testing kernels, you must use Vagrant. The installation of the new kernel proceeds just like any other project. The library name for the project is simply set to linux-image, and the kernel packages are placed in packages/linux-image-[version]/. To avoid building your own kernel packages for the test, you can use Ubuntu boxes, and source kernel packages from Ubuntu Kernel Mainline.

For a reliable installation method, it is recommended to place linux-headers-*_amd64.deb, linux-headers-*_all.deb, and linux-image-*_amd64.deb into the packages/linux-image-[version]/ folder so that all are installed together. Upgrading kernels can be tricky because of VirtualBox Guest additions. It is recommended to install the Vagrant vagrant-vbguest plugin to mitigate this.

It is typically easiest to begin with a box that has a kernel version before the version you wish to test, so that when you upgrade it will automatically reboot into the newer version. Otherwise, you may need to modify grub.cfg during the build process. Keep in mind, however, that if the box is too old, newer kernels will not install smoothly.

It can be difficult to find boxes for these older versions, although vagrantbox.es can be useful. Keep in mind that it is difficult to know how these boxes were configured and you may wish to make your own.

Test boxes must have python2 symlinked to the Python 2 executable.

For a better idea of the procedure, take a look at the kernel exploit examples such as Full Nelson.


To inspect the test environment, it must be able to properly build. The user can the run xshop attach [variable1=value1] [variable2=value2] target to launch the environment with the specified variable values and attach a shell to the specified container. This can be useful for debugging the actual exploit on particularly slow test environment launches.


Another option for running more complicated tests is to use the test module API.

This exposes two classes, TestCase and Trial.

TestCase wraps a fixed set of variables and the method to run a test with those variables.

Trial allows you to define multiple independent variables and run all of those tests, returning the results in a multidimensional array.

Here is an example for Heartbleed, we modify the target XShopFile to utilize Clang 3.8, allowing us to test some new features. If you have not already, you should build this base image.

-FROM xshop:base_test_image
+FROM xshop:clang38

-RUN make
+RUN make CC=clang CXX=clang++ CFLAG+="{{ cflag }}"

This presents two hooks now to use within the build process, version and cflag.

Now, write a script to define a test with the XShop API:

from xshop import test

var = {'version':

T = test.Trial(var)

print T.results()

And run the test. I have formated the results for better legibility:

projects/Heartbleed [ ./run
Running Test: {'version': '1.0.1a', 'cflag': ''},  Vulnerable
Running Test: {'version': '1.0.1a', 'cflag': '-fsanitize=address'},  Vulnerable
Running Test: {'version': '1.0.1g', 'cflag': ''},  Invulnerable
Running Test: {'version': '1.0.1g', 'cflag': '-fsanitize=address'},  Invulnerable
			'vuln': True, 
			'results': {
				'attacker': {
					'ret': 2, 
					'stdout': '
						Connecting to: target:443, 1 times
						Sending Client Hello for TLSv1.0
						Received Server Hello for TLSv1.0
						WARNING: target:443 returned more data than it should - server is vulnerable!
						Please wait... connection attempt 1 of 1
				'target': {
					'ret': 0, 
					'stdout': 'target'
			'vars': {
				'version': '1.0.1a', 
				'cflag': ''
			'vuln': True, 
			'results': {
				'attacker': {
					'ret': 2, 
					'stdout': 'attacker
						Connecting to: target:443, 1 times
						Sending Client Hello for TLSv1.0
						Received Server Hello for TLSv1.0

						WARNING: target:443 returned more data than it should - server is vulnerable!
						Please wait... connection attempt 1 of 1
				'target': {
					'ret': 0, 
					'stdout': 'target'
			'vars': {
				'version': '1.0.1a', 
				'cflag': '-fsanitize=address'
			'vuln': False, 
			'results': {
				'attacker': {
					'ret': 0, 
					'stdout': 'attacker
						Connecting to: target:443, 1 times
						Sending Client Hello for TLSv1.0
						Received Server Hello for TLSv1.0
						Error Receiving Record! timed out
						No heartbeat response received, server likely not vulnerable
						Please wait... connection attempt 1 of 1
				'target': {
					'ret': 0, 
					'stdout': 'target'
			'vars': {
				'version': '1.0.1g', 
				'cflag': ''
			'vuln': False, 
			'results': {
				'attacker': {
					'ret': 0, 
					'stdout': 'attacker
						Connecting to: target:443, 1 times
						Sending Client Hello for TLSv1.0
						Received Server Hello for TLSv1.0

						Error Receiving Record! timed out
						No heartbeat response received, server likely not vulnerable
						Please wait... connection attempt 1 of 1
				'target': {
					'ret': 0, 
					'stdout': 'target'
			'vars': {
				'version': '1.0.1g', 
				'cflag': '-fsanitize=address'

Sadly, this experimental address sanitizer would not have prevented Heartbleed.