
A small game written in Javascript and built in Macromedia Director 10

Text Avenger

Developed in Macromedia Director 10 (now Adobe Director) in JavaScript. I am releasing this under an GNU open source license. Please feel free to modify it as you see fit, so long as you give me credit for the original game.

How to play


To play on Windows, simply download the textAvenger.zip, extract the files to a location of your choice, and then run game.exe.


Unfortunately, Mac has dropped support for PowerPC applications starting with version 10.7 -- so to play this game on a Mac, you will need an older version. If that's the case, simply download textAvenger-mac.zip, extract it and the inner game.osx.hqx file, then create a folder next to game.osx called storage and put the words.txt file inside it. You should then be able to launch the game by double clicking on game.osx.