
Course Project for Getting & Cleaning Data

Primary LanguageR

Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset Summary and Aggregation
Version 1.0
KaraLea Follmer

This program aggregates and summarizes the "Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset: Version 1.0"  Created by Smartlab - Non Linear Complex Systems Laboratory.

The program completes the following steps:
- Read the necessary lookup tables
- Read the training and test data and place them together in one data set
- Add the variable names 
- Use dplyr package to take the mean and sd of every variable
- Match the activities to activities names based on the associated reference number
- Create a data set that takes the mean of every variable by subject and activity (30 subjects * 6 activities = 180 mean calculations)
- Output that final dataset

Packages Used:

It outputs the following:
A data set that takes the mean of every variable by subject and activity (30 subjects * 6 activities = 180 mean calculations)