
Hugo src code for kfrajer.github.io site

Primary LanguageShell

Wecome to kfrajer.github.src


To build HUGO site's base image

  • Refer to .cicd.support/baseimage/README.md

Create a new section and Markdown document:

  • Run at the root of the site: hugo new <SECTIONNAME>\<FILENAME>.<FORMAT> example hugo new projects/_index.md

Instructions for publishing

  • Create a branch, makes changes and commit often
  • A branch name needs to start with feature/ or bugfix/
  • Test changes locally by running local server: hugo server or make and then visit http://localhost:1313
  • When ready to deploy, execute ./cmd.sh. This performs the following actions:
    • Push your current changes in your current branch to the src repository
    • Build your site to published/ folder. Same step as executing make build
    • Removes CRLF en-of-line characters introduce by Windows OS. TODO: Under evaluation
    • Tag current branch based on automatic semantic versioning
    • Push changes to master branch in main site
    • Sets your current branch in the src folder to master
    • Now you can visit https://kfrajer.github.io to explore the changes
  • Manual step: Manage the pull request upstream. Merge the feature branch(FBr) into master
  • Manual step: Then, pull changes in your local src folder

Current submodules

ZZO Theme for site

  • Direct public access here
  • To run locally:
    • TBD

Semantic versioning

  • Semantic vesrioning track in .repo_version file (See below)
  • Any branch name should start with either "mayor/"; "feature/" or "features/"; or "bugfix/" or "bugfixes/".
  • When pushing, a new tag is created taking the current version and increasing the respective field: mayor, minor or patch matching if it is a mayor, feature or bug fix

".repo_version" file

  • Do not tempered with the .repo_version file
  • If .repo_version is deleted by accident, create one with the latest tag version as found in the published repo. Version is first non-commented line. Example: "v0.1.0" with no quotes. Any line that starts with '#' are treated as comments

Handy References

Report bugs

Report any bugs in Github issue tracker here


  • MIT