
Code 301 - Module 3 - Can of Books back end repo for Kyle Freemantle and Arturo Valadez

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Can of Books

Author: Kyle Freemantle, Arturo Valadez Version: 1.0.0

What can books do?

Books are life-changing. They have the power to enlighten, educate, entertain, heal, and help us grow. Build out this code base to create an web app to track what books have impacted you, and what's recommended to read next.

Getting Started

  • What hours will you be available to communicate?

During and after normal class hours until approximately midnight.

  • What platform will you use to communicate (ie. Slack, phone …)?

Slack and Remo primarily.

  • How often will you take breaks?

As needed.

  • What is your plan if you start to fall behind?

TAs, Sheyna, jumping on to Remo to help out as needed, as well as the unofficial Discord for 301.

  • Make a list of each parson’s strengths.

We're both treading water in this class, but we're not afraid to solicit outside help.

  • How can you best utilize these strengths in the development of your application?

Observing the 15 minute rule.

  • In what areas do you each want to develop greater strength?

We both want to get a lot better about connecting the front and back end components. Also, patience!

  • Knowing that every person in your team needs to understand the code, how do you plan to approach the day-to-day development?

We will have a brief stand up after lecture to size out the cards on the Trello board. We will then check in hourly during the day while working on the trello cards, and do a quick debrief between 2100-2200 before clocking out for the night.

  • What will your team do if one person is pulling all the weight while the other person is not contributing?

Honestly assessing where we're at without judgment and then getting additional support where we can. We can also ask other classmates.

  • What will your team do if one person is taking over the project and not letting the other member contribute?

Direct conversation about where we're at and what the struggles.

  • How will you approach each other and the challenge of building an application knowing that it is impossible for two people to be at the exact same place in understanding and skill level?

With stand up and check in at night we've got it baked in to our process to self check where we're at with understanding the project.


Change Log

13 MAR 2023: Initial back end repo created from template.


Name of feature: ________________________________

Estimate of time needed to complete: _____

Start time: _____

Finish time: _____

Actual time needed to complete: _____

Credit and Collaborations