
Basic mobile application touching contact list and call history to display the last time a contact has been called by the user.

MIT LicenseMIT

Potty-Tracker App


The Potty Tracker App is a simple React Native application that allows users to take pictures, save their location, and write short notes about them. The intent is for parents who can't remember which bathrooms are alright to change a toddler in.

This project uses Expo, a framework and a platform for universal React applications.


  • Take photos
  • Write notes (up to 120 characters)
  • Save your current location
  • Save the above data to a local file



  • Node.js
  • Expo CLI


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/kfreemantle/pottyTracker.git (not live yet)

  2. Change to the directory: cd photo-note-app

  3. Install dependencies: npm install

Running the App

  1. Start the Expo dev server: expo start

  2. Scan the QR code in the Expo app or in a web browser to open the app.
