Role for Shopware-Development on the target machine
This role will install and prepare the target machine for the installation of shopware. It is also capable of installing the latest shopware from Additionally it will automatically import databases and copy over files to the target machine if needed.
Ubuntu with minimum Version 16.04
install_project_data: false
This variable defines if project specific data should be imported via the roles ffb.copy-files
and ffb.sql-prepare-db
setup_shopware: false
When this is set to true, the role will install and setup a fresh demo installation of the latest version of shopware.
- staenker.timezone
- gantsign.oh-my-zsh
- geerlingguy.apache
- geerlingguy.php-versions
- geerlingguy.php
- geerlingguy.php-mysql
- geerlingguy.apache-php-fpm
- geerlingguy.mysql
- geerlingguy.php-xdebug
- Akman.ioncube-loader
- geerlingguy.composer
- geerlingguy.nodejs
- fourforbusiness.copy-files
- fourforbusiness.ansible-basic-setup
- fourforbusiness.mysql-prepare-db
- hosts: all
become: true
project_tag: 'shopware-role'
install_project_data: true
setup_shopware: true
- fourforbusiness.shopware
This role was created in 2018 by four for business AG.