
Twitter API Proxy for pure front-end framework such as Angular.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitter API Proxy

Twitter REST API v1.1 requires OAuth for every endpoints so you no longer be able to call it from front-end directly. Additionaly, Twitter Streaming API needs to be converted in browser compatible protocol such as WebSocket to get data in real-time. This proxy server solves those problems.

Twitter API Proxy is designed for pure front-end framework such as Angular.js. The concept is to separate front-end client completely from back-end. It supports Twitter REST API and Streaming API. Streaming data is streamed via WebSocket on Socket.IO in real time.


Install and start

  1. Install npm dependencies in project directory.
$ git clone https://github.com/kg782/twitter-api-proxy
$ cd twitter-api-proxy
$ npm install
  1. Rename configs.js.sample to configs.js and update for your environment.

  2. Start server

$ node app.js

Twitter authentication

This proxy hides consumer key and access token from front-end clients. Those keys won't be exposed.

Clients access tokens are kept in persistent storage (MongoDB) then retrieved by session without authorizing each time.

As stutases/sample has same results for every clients, the proxy establishes only one shared streaming connection to Twitter with developers access token, then it broadcasts to every front-end clients without authentication. So it requires developers access token to establish shared streaming connection.

How to authenticate

Access /twitter/login, it redirects twitter Auth page. /twitter/logout is to log out. To check authentication status, access /twitter/authenticated


All endpoints of Twitter REST API v1.1 require authentication. Before access those API, clients need to authenticate.

  • URL: /twitter/ + twitter resource (eg. /twitter/account/verify_credentials.json to account/verify_credentials.json)
  • HTTP Method: HTTP Method to the proxy is used to access twitter API. If you access with GET method, twitter GET method is called.
  • Parameters: Parameters are passed to call twitter API
  url: '/twitter/account/verify_credentials.json',
  type: 'GET',
  success: function(data) {
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    console.error('Error', jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown);

Streaming API

To connect and listen the events. Socket.IO namespaces are corresponding to Twitter API endpoints. In this case, accessing statuses/sample endpoint.

var socket = io.connect('/twitter/statuses/sample');
  .on('error', function() {
    console.error('unable to connet to the namespace');
  .on('connect', function() {
    console.log('successfully established a connection to the namespace');
  .on('disconnect', function() {
    console.log('Socket was disconnected');
  .on('data', function(data) {
    console.log('data', data);


namespace: /twitter/statuses/filter

Streams to Twitter are established for each user. To query the streaming API,

socket.emit('query', {
  track: $('input[name="track"]').val()


namespace: /twitter/statuses/sample

Server shares only one stream connection to Twitter and broadcasts to all clients as the response of statuses/sample is identical for each clients. The streaming is done by developers access token then user doesn't need to authenticate to access this API.


namespace: /twitter/user

It requires user authentication.
