
ClojureScript implementation of Facebook's Flux architecture

Primary LanguageClojure


ClojureScript implementation of Facebook's Flux architecture

Github facebook/flux


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file for the latest release:

[cljs-flux "0.1.2"]


Currently, Facebook provides an implementation for Dispatcher.js. This repo contains a similar implementation.

Dispatcher is used to broadcast payloads to registered callbacks. This is different from generic pub-sub systems in two ways:

    1. Callbacks are not subscribed to particular events. Every payload is dispatched to every registered callback.
    1. Callbacks can be deferred in whole or part until other callbacks have been executed.


(require '[cljs-flux.dispatcher :refer :all])

(def flights (dispatcher))
(def store (atom {}))

;; register callback and store dispatch token
(def state-dispatch
  (register flights
            (fn [{:keys [state]}]
              (when state
                (swap! store assoc :state state)))))

;; register callback and store dispatch token
;; will wait for `state-dispatch'
(def city-dispatch
  (register flights
            (fn [{:keys [city]}]
              (when city
                (wait-for flights [state-dispatch])
                (swap! store
                       :city city
                       :city-state (str city ", " (:state @store)))))))

;; register callback and store dispatch token
;; will wait for `city-dispatch' which will wait for `state-dispatch'
(def price-dispatch
  (register flights
            (fn [{:keys [price]}]
              (when price
                (wait-for flights [city-dispatch])
                (swap! store
                       :price price
                       :desc (str "For $" price " you can fly to " (:city-state @store)))))))

(dispatch flights {:price 100 :city "Atlanta" :state "GA"})
(assert (= "For $100 you can fly to Atlanta, GA" (:desc @store)))

(unregister flights price-dispatch)

(dispatch flights {:city "Athens" :state "OH" :price "FREE"})
(assert (= "For $100 you can fly to Atlanta, GA" (:desc @store)))
(assert (= "Athens, OH" (:city-state @store)))


Copyright © 2015 Kyle Gann

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.