React + Loopback + Mysql example

This is a very basic CRUD example using React as a client, LB(LoopBack) as the API generator, and MySql(DB).

Was created using the Traversy Media Youtube Course

The CRUD manage a "Meetups" table structure, and use Materialize

Running the API

The project is generated by LoopBack and modified by me(Kenneth Brenes).


npm install

To use the DB, you just need to import the db_dump.sql file inside the db folder in the root. In that dump, a "Meetups" table with a basic structure for the LoopBack consuming.

Install the MySql datasource:

npm install loopback-connector-mysql --save

(Here the DB credentials in: server/datasources.json )

To run the LB API, just run:

node .

After this, if you go to: http://localhost:3000/explorer/ you should be able to see something like:

alt text

Running the Client

Go inside the client folder


npm install

npm install —save react-router react-router-dom

npm install axios —save

npm start

Now, if you go to: http://localhost:3001/ you should be able to see something like:

alt text