
Notes, experiments, exercises

Primary LanguageOCaml

There are a few things I want to brush up on, so I'm going to start going through a few books I own, re-read them, do the exercises, and take notes as I go along.

This is a little more structured than the way I usually do things, but I think the exercise will be worthwhile.

I'll also keep a note of the books in question and the dates I start them on here.

ID Date Book
0001 2013-08-26 Practical OCaml
0002 2013-08-26 Project templating
0003 2013-09-29 Mega project list
0004 2013-10-27 Rust tutorial
0006 2014-05-01 Rust by example
0007 2014-05-04 Tour of Go
0008 2014-06-02 99 Problems (solved) in OCaml
0009 2016-05-02 Learn you some Erlang