
Drupal 8 toolbox module

Primary LanguagePHP

Toolbox module for Drupal 8


composer require kgaut/kgaut_tools


CleanString Service

Transliterate and remove special char from a string.

$mystring = "Hello World";
// 'hello-world'
$cleanString = \Drupal::service('kgaut_tools.stringcleaner')->clean($categorie->name); 
$cleanStringWithoutDash = \Drupal::service('kgaut_tools.stringcleaner')->clean($categorie->name,true); 

TranslationImporter Service

Allow to import translation for a given string with a given language.

Usage example :

$translationImporter = \Drupal::service('kgaut_tools.translation_importer');
$translationImporter->importTranslation("I love drupal", 'fr', "J'aime drupal");

Create image derivates during upload

Inspired by @flocondetoile's post : http://flocondetoile.fr/blog/generate-programmatically-image-styles-drupal-8

Add new useful var to all templates :

  • basepath : Drupal basepath() value (not always available)
  • pathtotheme : path to active theme
  • pathtotfiles : path to public files directory

User templates suggestions :

Add templates suggestions for user entity based on the view mode ie : user--compact.html.twig