
Miscellaneous materials


Miscellaneous materials

Sometimes, there are files that just need to be "somewhere".

Right now the only one here is "facebook-dmcs-six4three-ocr.pdf", which is an OCR'd version of the document released by the UK Government's "Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee" in relation to Facebook and Six4Three. The original PDF doc is as-referenced in this twitter chain: https://twitter.com/DamianCollins/status/1070324910109675525 - the only thing I've done is to push it through a commercial OCR package in order to make all the pages text-searchable (the OCRing has not been manually proofed).

For example, searching in the original PDF for "Ticketmaster" will not find anything. In this OCRd version, at least some hits are properly found. I claim no copyright over the improvements/changes I have made to the document. I am a UK citizen and I fully believe I have every legal right to make this sort of fair and constructive use of a document released by my government.

If you need to contact me, /u/BuxtonTheRed on Reddit is the most likely place I'll see anything (I am also @buxtonthered on twitter, but don't check that very often). If you don't know what that means, ask a nerd for help.