Clever Section Recycler View Adapter

Hey! It's a custom recycler view adapter library, which can display your data in sections (with Header and Footer). Ok, you can say that it's an average recycler view, but what makes it clever, see it below.:

  • User can use different view type in each section, so you can use a linear layout type which span the whole screen in first section and display a grid layout type in the second section.

  • Supports multiple view type in every view type (header,item,footer).

  • Supports endless scrolling.

  • You can use drag&drop function within sections.

alt tag



compile 'hu.kole.csrva:cleversectionviewadapter:1.0.8'


CSRVA provides base classes for sections and section items. You should inherit from this classes.

Note: use unique id in getId() methods, because it will be used for identify row items in recycler view adapters. Not unique ids can cause bad working of CSRVA.

Inherit from BaseSectionModel

public class Section extends BaseSectionModel {


    public String getId() {
	    //It has to be unique.
        return id;

    public List<SectionItem> getSectionItems() {
        return proposerItems;



Inherit from BaseSectionItemModel

public class SectionItem extends
BaseSectionItemModel {


    public String getId() {
	    //It has to be unique.
        return id;



Inherit from BaseCleverSectionAdapter

public class SectionAdapter extends
BaseCleverSectionAdapter<Section,SectionItem,BaseDragAndDropViewHolder,ProposerHeaderViewHolder,ProposerFooterViewHolder> {


    public ProposerHeaderViewHolder onCreateHeaderViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int layoutType) {

    public BaseDragAndDropViewHolder onCreateItemViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int layoutType) {

    public ProposerFooterViewHolder onCreateFooterViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int layoutType) {

    public void onBindHeaderViewHolder(ProposerHeaderViewHolder holder,Proposer section, int layoutType) {

    public void onBindItemViewHolder(BaseDragAndDropViewHolder holder,ProposerItem item, int layoutType) {

    public void onBindFooterViewHolder(ProposerFooterViewHolder holder,Proposer section, int layoutType) {



Note: You can see that it is same to the ordinary RecylerViewAdapter. The difference is that we have to implement onCreate...ViewHolder and onBind...ViewHolder every row (header, footer, item). Both of method you can find a new parameter called viewType. It's equals with viewType (HEADER,ITEM or FOOTER) in default case, but you can customize them, if you override getLayoutType() method in children of BaseSectionItemModel class.

####Setup span of each row. As I mentioned you can use different layout type in each sections. In default case we use LINEAR (row with match with parent) layout type. But if we override the getSpanType() method in children of BaseSectionItemModel class, we can customize the appearance of row item.

    public int getSpanType() {
        if (getLayoutType() == LAYOUT_TYPE.CARD_LAYOUT) {
            return SPAN_TYPE.LINEAR_TYPE;
        } else {
            return SPAN_TYPE.GRID_TYPE;

Note: Try to use same span type at every section item in the same section.

####Limit drag & drop working on each item. We can limit the drag and drop function on items, if we need. In this case we can't drag item from this position and we can't drop item to that limited position. To use this limitation, we should override isDraggingEnabledAtItemPosition() method in children of BaseCleverSectionAdapter's class.

Etc.: disable first GRID span typed item drag or drop to his position.

    public boolean isDraggingEnabledAtItemPosition(Proposer section,ProposerItem fromItem, ProposerItem toItem) {

        if ((fromItem.getSpanType() == BaseSectionItemModel.SPAN_TYPE.GRID_TYPE && section.getItemIndexInSection(fromItem) == 0) ||
                (toItem.getSpanType() == BaseSectionItemModel.SPAN_TYPE.GRID_TYPE && section.getItemIndexInSection(toItem) == 0)) {
            return false;

        return super.isDraggingEnabledAtItemPosition(section,fromItem, toItem);

If we have never need this function, we can disable it, just call setDragAndDropEnabled() method on adapter.

####Endless scroll

We have to call setOnEndlessScrollListener() method on adapter. We can turn in/out progress bar at the end of list (Set last param false in EndlessScrollListener() constructor).

   adapter.setOnEndlessScrollListener(new EndlessScrollListener(mLayoutManager,adapter,true) {
        public void onLoadMore(int page, int totalItemsCount) {
            //Call load more method or something like that...

You can customize progress bar's view if you override it's onCreateLoaderViewHolder() and onBindLoaderViewHolder() methods.

Used frameworks


Copyright 2016 kgeriiie

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.