
Primary LanguagePython

https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-a-postgresql-database-in-a-flask-application https://gist.github.com/gbaman/b3137e18c739e0cf98539bf4ec4366ad

Local Setup Steps


Fork the Repository

Towards the top right, click on the fork button and create a fork.

Clone your Forked Repository

Click on the code button and copy the URL that is displayed under the HTTPS tab.

After copying the link, open a CMD/Terminal and enter the following command

cd kgfoss

Create a virtual environment for the project

pip install virtualenv 
virtualenv env

Activate your environment


Refer to this article if any issues

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting up supabase

Create a new project

  • Login to supabase and click on the new project button on your dashboard.
  • Create an organisation with any name select personal as the type.
  • After creating an organisation, Enter a name and password for your Database and click the Create new project (Keep the password somewhere safe as you will not be able to view it again)
  • On your left hand side, click on the databases button and click on new table
  • Name it UserIssues and add the following fields
    issue id :varchar
    user_id :varchar
    repo_id : varchar
    status : varchar
    created_at : timestampz (in utc)
    updated_at : timestampz (in utc)
  • Create another table named Users with the following fields

    roll_no : varchar
    college : varchar
    year : int2
    dept : varchar
    mobile : int2
    email : int2

DB Credentials

In your dashboard go to Project Settings > Database. From here you can get your credentials which you can add to your .env file

DB_USERNAME=User DB_PASSWORD=Password DB_URL=Host DB_DB=database name

Personal Access Token

  • Click on your avatar on the top right corner and open your settings page.

  • From there, scroll down and click on Developer Settings

  • Select Personal Access Tokens > Fine-Grained Tokens > Generate New Token

  • Enter a name for it and click Generate Token

  • Copy this token and add the following line to your .env file


Your final .env file should look like this

DB_DB=database name

Run the app

python app.py

Adding an OAuth app

  • click your avatar on the top right and go to Settings
  • Scroll down and click on Developer Settings
  • Click on OAuth Apps > New OAuth App
  • Enter any name for the name
  • For URL enter
  • For Callback URL enter
  • Click on register to finish creation of your OAuth app
  • Get your Client ID and Generate your Client Secret and add it to your .env file as