
A simple and user-friendly package for authenticating in HoYoLab API via web interface.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


HAuth is a simple and user-friendly package for authenticating in HoYoLab API via web interface.


The library is in early development stage and may contain bugs and security vulnerabilities. Use it at your own risk.


With PIP:

pip install git+https://github.com/JokelBaf/hauth.git


Here are some examples of how you can use HAuth in your project.

Simple FastAPI app

The app running on http://localhost:8000 will redirect you to the login page when you visit the root URL. After logging in, cookies will be printed in the console.

import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

from hauth import Config, LoginPageStyle, Color, ThemeMode, HAuth, Session
from hauth.storages import MemorySessionsStorage
from hauth.fastapi import HAuthFastAPI

async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
    """Called when the application starts."""
    await app.hauth.initialize()

async def on_expire(session: Session) -> None:
    """Called when a session expires."""
    print(f"Session with id {session.id} expired!")

async def on_success(session: Session) -> None:
    """Called when a user logs in."""
    print("User logged in!", session)

app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)

page_style = LoginPageStyle(
config = Config(on_success=on_success, login_page_style=page_style)

storage = MemorySessionsStorage(

client = HAuth(storage=storage, config=config)

app = HAuthFastAPI(app, client)

async def root() -> RedirectResponse:
    """Redirects to the login page."""
    session = await app.hauth.create_session({})
    return RedirectResponse(url=f"/login/{session.id}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000)

Simple AIOHTTP app

Same as the FastAPI example, but with AIOHTTP and some small differences like on_error callback.

from aiohttp import web

from hauth import Config, LoginPageStyle, Color, ThemeMode, HAuth, Session
from hauth.storages import MemorySessionsStorage
from hauth.aiohttp import HAuthAiohttp

async def on_startup(app: web.Application) -> None:
    """Called when the application starts."""
    await app.hauth.initialize()

async def on_error(session: Session, e: Exception) -> None:
    """Called when an error occurs during login process."""
    print(f"There was an error during login process. Session: {session.id}, Error: {e}")

async def on_success(session: Session) -> None:
    """Called when a user logs in."""
    print("User logged in!", session)

app = web.Application()

page_style = LoginPageStyle(
config = Config(

storage = MemorySessionsStorage(
    ttl=None,  # Does not expire

client = HAuth(storage=storage, config=config)
app = HAuthAiohttp(app, client)

async def root(request: web.Request) -> web.HTTPMovedPermanently:
    """Redirects to the login page."""
    session = await app.hauth.create_session({})
    return web.HTTPMovedPermanently(f"/login/{session.id}")

app.add_routes([web.get("/", root)])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    web.run_app(app, host="", port=8000)

Discord.py bot + FastAPI

It is recommended to use IPC for Discord bots, that's why HAuth provides built-in support for it. However, you will need to split the bot and the web server into two separate processes.


import logging
import typing

import discord
from discord.ext import commands, ipc
from discord.ext.ipc.server import Server
from discord.ext.ipc.objects import ClientPayload
from hauth import Config, HAuth, Session
from hauth.storages import MemorySessionsStorage
from hauth.modules.utility import request_data_to_model

logger = logging.getLogger("discord")

# First let's configure HAuth client

async def on_expire(session: Session) -> None:
    """Called when a session expires."""
    logger.info(f"Session with id {session.id} expired!")

    channel = bot.get_channel(session.data["message"]["channel_id"])
    message = await channel.fetch_message(session.data["message"]["id"])
    await message.edit(content="Session expired!", view=None)

async def on_success(session: Session) -> None:
    """Called when a user logs in."""
    logger.info(f"User with ID {session.data["user"]["id"]} logged in!")

    channel = bot.get_channel(session.data["message"]["channel_id"])
    message = await channel.fetch_message(session.data["message"]["id"])
    await message.edit(content="Logged in successfully!", view=None)

config = Config(on_success=on_success)

storage = MemorySessionsStorage(
client = HAuth(storage=storage, config=config)

# Now we setup and run the bot

class Bot(commands.Bot):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        intents = discord.Intents.all()


        self.hauth = client
        self.ipc = ipc.Server(self, secret_key="secret_key")

    async def setup_hook(self) -> None:
        """Called when the bot is ready."""
        await self.hauth.initialize()
        await self.ipc.start()

    async def get_session(self, payload: ClientPayload) -> typing.Dict:
        """Deliver session data to the client."""
        session = await self.hauth.get_session(payload.session_id)
        return session.model_dump(mode="json") if session else None

    async def handle_request(self, payload: ClientPayload) -> typing.Dict:
        """Handle requests from the client."""
        model = request_data_to_model(payload.data["data"])
        rsp = await self.hauth._handle_request(Session(**payload.session), model)
        return rsp.model_dump(mode="json")

bot = Bot()

async def on_ready() -> None:
    """Called when the bot is ready."""
    logger.info(f"Logged in as {bot.user} ({bot.user.id})")
    await bot.tree.sync()

@bot.tree.command(name="login", description="Login with HoYoLab")
async def login(i: discord.Interaction) -> None:
    """HoYoLab login command."""
    session = await i.client.hauth.create_session({
        "user": {
            "id": i.user.id
        "message": {
            "id": None,
            "channel_id": i.channel.id

    view = discord.ui.View()
    button = discord.ui.Button(
        label="Login with HoYoLab",

    await i.response.send_message("Click the button below to login.", view=view)
    msg = await i.original_response()

    session.data["message"]["id"] = msg.id
    await i.client.hauth.update_session(session.id, session)


Web server

import uvicorn
import fastapi
from hauth import Config, HAuth, LoginPageStyle, ThemeMode, Color
from hauth.storages import MemorySessionsStorage
from hauth.fastapi import HAuthDiscord

app = fastapi.FastAPI()

page_style = LoginPageStyle(
config = Config(page_style=page_style)
client = HAuth(
    storage=MemorySessionsStorage(),  # Won't be used here but still required
app = HAuthDiscord(app, client, "secret_key")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000)