Two time-scale update rule for training GANs

Primary LanguagePython

Two time-scale update rule for training GANs

This repository contains code acompaning the paper GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Nash Equilibrium.

Frechet Inception Distance (FID)

The FID is the performance measure used to evaluate the experiments in the paper. There, a detailed description can be found in the experiment section as well as in the the appendix in section A1.

Batched and unbatched implementation

In this repository we provide two implementations to calculate the FID, a "unbatched" and a "batched" version. Here "unbatched" and "batched" refer to the way the data is fed into the inception net. The used pretrained model (see below for the link) takes individual images in JPEG format as input. The "unbatched" version uses this original input layer whereas the "batched" version skips this layer. This results in a different FID for the two versions, since the convertion into and from JEPG slightly changes the RGB values. Note, that while the two versions behave consistently on there own, they are not directly compareable.

The experiments in the paper are done with the "unbatched" version, except for the reported consistancy tests. The downside of the "unbatched" version is, that it is very slow (but since we started with this version we had to stick with it). Therefor, if a direct comparison with the results in the paper is not necessary, it might be better to use the batched version.

Provided Code

-- Example code for FID in preparation --


This file contains the implementation of all necessary functions to calculate the FID.


Example code to show the usage of the batched version of the FID implementation.


Example code to show the usage of the unbatched version of the FID implementaion.


Containes a helper class for data handling.

Additional info