
Shakeout: A New Approach to Regularized Deep Neural Network Training

Primary LanguageProtocol Buffer


This Shakeout implementation is based on caffe.

First, you should download the caffe source code.

Then put the files shakeout_layer.cpp; shakeout_layer.cu under the directory src/caffe/layers/; put the file caffe.proto under the directory src/caffe/proto/; put the file shakeout_layer.hpp under the directory include/caffe/layers/.

Finally, you can refer to AlexNet_shakeout_example.prototxt to see how to use.

Please cite our Shakeout paper in your publications if it helps your research:

  title={Shakeout: A New Regularized Deep Neural Network Training Scheme},
  author={Kang, Guoliang and Li, Jun and Tao, Dacheng},
  booktitle={Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  title={Shakeout: A New Approach to Regularized Deep Neural Network Training},
  author={Kang, Guoliang and Li, Jun and Tao, Dacheng},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},