
  • House 1 utilizes Spatial Audio, House 2 does not.
  • In order to interact with the houses, use the arrows to toggle between parents and children (up/down arrow) and across other items of the same level (right/left arrow).
  • If you reach a "dead end", you will hear a thump indicating that there is nowhere left to traverse.
  • Be sure to disable screenreaders before interacting with the demo (we have our own audio source that will be used for navigating the graph).
  • In the spatial audio demo, pressing 'Enter' allows you to play the information of a current node.
  • In the spatial audio demo, pressing 'Shift' allows you to disable tone summaries played after the name of the element, and also to re-enable it.
  • Please exercise patience when interacting with the graph, or you may experience overlapping audio (a to-do to resolve for the future)


  • HowlerJS examples and documentation were used for the creation of this demo, including the Sprite and 3D audio examples.
  • Materialize was used for the grid system