
Internal tool to manage release builds

Primary LanguagePython

                               Release Kick-off

Release kick-off is a Mozilla "internal" tool used to start the release of
Firefox Desktop, Android and Thunderbird.
This tool is specific to Mozilla workflows and tools.

Dependencies are listed in requirements/*.txt.
* compiled+prod are required to run in production
* compiled+prod+dev are required to run the standalone server/tests

To get the list of options:
$ python kickoff-web.py --help

To run release-kickoff using a sqlite database, use of the following:
1) $ python kickoff-web.py -d sqlite://///var/www/update.db --username=foo --password=bar
2) $ vagrant up	# Username:admin Password:password

Or with MySQL:
$ python kickoff-web.py -d mysql://root@localhost/ship_it --username=foo --password=bar

Open your Firefox on:

To have the auto completion in the various forms, please enter some releases to feed the database.

* When running "vagrant up", I am getting a error which states, "The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it to boot. Valid states are 'starting, running'. The machine is in the 'poweroff' state. Please verify everything is configured properly and try again."
	There are a few possibilities:
		- OS X Mavericks may be causing problems with the 64-bit vagrant boxes (hashicorp/vagrant#2157)
			- could be a missing kernel driver, there is a hidden virtualbox GUI window that will give more information on errors
		- Make sure you are running
			Vagrant 1.6.3+
			VirtualBox 4.3.6+
		- Switching to a 32-bit vagrant box seems to be a temporary fix

To run Python tests:
* `sudo apt-get install python-tox` or `pip install tox`
* `tox -e py27` or `tox -e py26` if you have Python 2.6 installed

To run JS tests:
* `firefox kickoff/test/js/jstest.html`
or using node.js
* `npm install &&  ./node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt --verbose`