InAppSettings provides a view controller that displays the application's Settings.bundle as it appears in the iPhone settings. Allowing the same preferences in app and in the iPhone settings.
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- 0
Allow customization of fonts, text size, etc
#33 opened by daviesgeek - 0
- 1
Update readme
#23 opened by kgn - 2
iOS7 Issue with the Slider setting
#28 opened by LittleOrangeC - 1
Add support for PSRadioGroupSpecifier
#26 opened by kgn - 0
Update the sample app
#25 opened by kgn - 0
- 1
Dismiss NumberPad keyboard.
#5 opened by kgn - 1
Make keyboard dismissable
#12 opened by kgn - 6
Add delegate methods for when settings change
#16 opened by kgn - 6
A few leaks found
#1 opened by kgn - 0
Remove keyboard notification observer
#4 opened by kgn - 1
missing delegate for modal view controller
#8 opened by kgn - 2
Changes don't save and table doesn't scroll
#10 opened by kgn - 1
navigationController nil when pushing multi-value VC
#17 opened by kgn - 1
Custom Function Triggers
#3 opened by kgn - 1
Add support for OnlyDisplayOnInterfaceIdiom
#22 opened by kgn - 0
FooterText isn't supported
#7 opened by kgn - 1
iPad orientation problem
#9 opened by kgn - 1
Hide some settings unless a toggle value is enabled
#11 opened by kgn - 1
Control length and content of TextField
#14 opened by kgn - 1
Add help field
#15 opened by kgn - 1
Dynamically add specifiers
#13 opened by kgn - 0
cell highlighting in 2.0
#18 opened by kgn - 0
scroll to text cell in 2.0
#19 opened by kgn - 1
Color of header title
#20 opened by pepicrft - 2
PSTitleValueSpecifier title
#6 opened by kgn - 0
Extra functionality to show/hide preference
#2 opened by kgn