- 0
Popup issue on iOS 13
#39 opened by Darshan-Sonigara - 8
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- 0
I have a question ,like this picture,a view pop two controllers ,I want to close the topmost controller and not affect other controllers,can you tell me how to do,or you can issues your KGModel?
#37 opened by bianxiang - 0
No way to remove Border
#34 opened by MohamedElzohirey - 2
Cannot type into editable text field
#2 opened by jonathan-beebe - 1
Up version and update podspec
#33 opened by tomatos-bass - 1
User Interaction disabled after alertview
#31 opened by rahulvyas - 3
Problem while editing text with magnifier
#27 opened by billidani7 - 0
iOS 7.1 -setCloseButtonType: produces 'unrecognized selector sent to instance'
#28 opened by glacialspring - 1
Please add semantic version tags.
#16 opened by dburr - 2
hideAnimated does return control to the caller
#17 opened by tatejones - 0
- 1
How to add UINavigationController?
#23 opened by khawarshzd - 1
.a library and binding to MonoTouch framework
#13 opened by cris7905 - 2
Keyboard bug after dismiss a KGModal view
#5 opened by cincas - 3
ARC issues
#12 opened by vasil-boshnyakov - 1
Callback/notification of dismissal?
#11 opened by dburr - 3
Rotating the KGModal
#7 opened by DmitryPR - 1
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Error compiling KGModal in an Objective C++ project: C++ forbids forward references to enum types
#6 opened by thuantta - 3
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Build error
#1 opened by guysung