This setup has been made with Docker 1.12 for Mac. You can download Docker For Mac/Windows here Mac
This will remove Docker toolbox and migrate your current containers to Docker Engine if you have any.
The base image is build on Ubuntu 16.04 with Swift 3 and Vapor toolbox
You can use the base image to get a simple setup with Vapor & Docker up and running. Go to your projects root directory and run this command
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/vapor vapor/vapor:latest vapor build
This command will start a container with a mounted directory so you can build the source inside the container, the container will shut down and remove it self when it's done. When it's done build run the following command
docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/vapor -p 8080:8080 vapor/vapor:latest vapor run
This command will start another container with same storage mount and bind port 8080 in the host to the container you can change the first 8080
to what ever you want to get that on the host machine.
this image doesn't have MySQL, PGSQL or SQLite
You need to build your own image to extend my base image with MySQL, PGSQL or SQLite. There is a Dockerfile that makes this really simple.
Clone this repo inside your vapor project, go to the directory /docker/vapor
Run this command
docker build -t <your own name to choose> .
We are going to use vapormysql
in this example.
These options can be added to the build line:
--build-arg INSTALL_MYSQL=true
--build-arg INSTALL_PGSQL=true
--build-arg INSTALL_SQLITE=true
So for example to get Swift & Vapor with MySQL support run this
docker build -t vapormysql --build-arg INSTALL_MYSQL=true .
That will make a image with MySQL support based on the base image.
Then you can use the commands i put in the top of this document and replace vapor/vapor:latest
with vapormysql
You need to name your vapor container for vapor
that is done by adding --name vapor
in the run command for your vapor
Then you go to the folder nginx and build the image docker build -t nginxvapor .
After the image has been build run it with docker run -d --link vapor:vapor -p 80:80 nginxvapor
This command will start nginx and run it detached.`