A program to quickly count the number of reads in an RNAseq sam/bam/cram file.
Counts are
- Mapped (total mapped reads)
- Mapped, exon (mapped within an exon region)
- Unmapped
region_counter [OPTIONS] --bamfile <BAMFILE> --gtf <GTF>
-b, --bamfile <BAMFILE>
-g, --gtf <GTF>
-q, --minmapqual <MINMAPQUAL> [default: 35]
-f, --required-flag <REQUIRED_FLAG> [default: 3]
-F, --filtered-flag <FILTERED_FLAG> [default: 2816]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Reads contribute to the count if they are greater than or equal to a minimum mapping threshold, if they satisfy all required-flag
flags (default=3 - include only if read is paired and mapped in proper pair) and have no filtered-flag
flags (default=2816 - exclude if read is secondary, read fails vendor quality checks, or read is supplementary).