
Worklog - An Atom Shell app for recording time and learning web programming

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Worklog - Playground for learning web programming

This is Worklog, a playground for learning web programming. Oh, and it's also a time keeping app. The idea is to record "worklog items", which comprise a date, a start time, an end time, a project, and a comment.

There would be a list of worklog items, there would be a way to add a new worklog item, there would be a way to edit an existing worklog item, and finally there would be a way to run some reports.

For the time being, this is a hard-coded spaghetti-code kind of like thing. I have no idea how to do web development, but I thought I'd start with the bare metal so to say, and then experience pieces of pain, and then work my way up the abstractions. Learning by pain, if you will.

How to use

I got a bit confused by the instructions on Atom Shell, so maybe I've not done it right. In any case, I downloaded a release of Atom Shell and unpacked it. Because I'm on OSX (and of course because of the specific folder I unpacked it into, but I guess you guessed that part), this means I then had a directory called


I then made it so that my local git repo is called app. Because the file you're looking at now is called README.md, this means that this file has the name


I think if you try it, you can do

cd ~/git/worklog/Atom.app/Contents/Resources
git clone https://github.com/kgrossjo/atom-shell-worklog.git app

Now I can run ~/git/worklog/Atom.app/Contents/MacOS/Atom from the command line, and something happens!


The first iteration of this used DOM methods to construct the table of worklog items, and that got sufficiently painful really quickly, so that I replaced it with mustache.js.

The next steps will be to add some keyboard shortcuts, for example I want l to go to the list of items, and a to go to the tab that allows me to add an item. I'm not sure if I want to somehow pimp the form for entering a new item.

I'm not sure if I want to add some reports at that point in time. Maybe later.

After implementing the functionality, perhaps I want to investigate the next library or framework. Perhaps Riot?


I've added keyboard shortcuts w, a, r for the tabs "Worklog", "Add", "Reports". Hitting a also automatically focuses the date input field.

My first attempt at this was using the npm module ks, but that resulted in weird things happening to the tabs. So now I've tried (the npm module) keyboard.js which mostly does what I want. BUt ks automatically exempts input fields from the shortcuts, and with keyboard.js I have to do that myself. Though a nice snippet is provided in the documentation, and that works as advertised.

As of now, the app is still small enough so it's easy to understand. But I can tell that there is no real structure to it. Now I wonder whether I should go with Polymer or whether I should look at React.js. The former seems to be object oriented, the latter seems to be functional. Hm.


I've added editing support to the app. You can move focus in the Worklog tab with j/k, you can edit the current entry with e. This is all done manually, without any of the libraries and frameworks I wanted to use.

I had tried to use react with jsnox, but that turned out to be pretty difficult. Is it just me or is the documentation really lacking? I think jsnox assumes that you already know react, but I don't. And the react docs assume you use jsx, which I don't. The react tutorial at some point stops to show the equivalent non-jsx code, so I even couldn't start with that. Was I trying to do too much at once?

Anyway, having an app that I can actually use is also nice. I think I will want to add a report to it that summarizes my working hours for the week for easy entry in the time tracking tool at work.


Copyright Kai Grossjohann by MIT License.