
Simple IR System using Clojure Language

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Simple Information Retrieval using Clojure Language

This is just a toy project to learn Clojure. It's my first Clojure program. I spent between 10 and 20 hours learning Clojure, and this is the result. I have background in other Lisps.

The idea is to take a directory full of text files, then run the indexer which produces an index of the words in the files. Given such an index on disk, a search engine will take a sequence of words and perform the search and return a ranked list of documents.

This was inspired by perlindex, but of course this is just a toy whereas perlindex is a real program.


Download from https://github.com/kgrossjo/sircl Create an uberjar with lein uberjar.

Usage for indexing

Creating an index works like this:

$ java -jar sircl-0.1.0-standalone.jar index FILE ROOT

Usage for searching

Searching a given index works like this:

$ java -jar sircl-0.1.0-standalone.jar search FILE TERM...


  • index or search are the command to execute.
  • FILE is the name of the file housing the index. It is either written to (command index) or read from (command search).
  • ROOT is the root directory of all documents. A document is a text file.
  • TERM can be specified multiple times and gives a search term.


You could download the CACM collection from http://www.search-engines-book.com/collections/ and unpack it in some local directory (say /foo/CACM). You could then index this collection, writing to the cacm.idx file, by running the following:

$ java -jar sircl-0.1.0-standalone.jar index cacm.idx /foo/CACM

You could then search this index for the words "boolean" and "knuth" like this:

$ java -jar sircl-0.1.0-standalone.jar search cacm.idx boolean knuth


While the words in the document are normalized (lowercased, mostly), this is not applied to the query.

There is no stopword elimination.

There is no stemming.

The formula used for ranking is pretty braindead.

There is no UI to speak of.

There is no real persistence layer, it's just cheating. At least we should be able to avoid reading the whole index into main memory every time. I think there is no point in using something sophisticated, but maybe key/value store for the inverted index would be nice, or perhaps also for the document vectors.

It would be nice to have incremental indexing, i.e. to make it possible to add a document to the collection without redoing all the work. Hm. I think we need to compute the document vector for the added document and then we need to go through it and load each inverted list and add the entry to it and then save the inverted list again. It would be even better to find some on-disk format that allows us to augment the inverted list without having to read it into main memory, but touching just the changed inverted lists is a step forward.


Copyright © 2015 Kai Grossjohann

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.