
Simple MERN app, which has a kafka node in the background, which produces data and pushes it to DB.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kafka - NodeJS - MongoDB - React

This is a POC for integrating kafka with Node and Mongo, and consuming the data published from node in Kafka on React

Note This requires local kafka setup. If you don't have kafka set up locally, follow the below steps to install and run kafka. This how to is with respect to windows confuguration.

  • use this link to configure kafka for windows machine.

Getting started**

  • Clone or download the repo
  • run npm i on kafka-demo-ui and server - including producer since both have dependencies
  • After installing dependencies, first run kafka server. How to start kafka can be found here. But, change the directory to bin/windows and in all the commands, change the relative path for config files and replace .sh with .bat, like this ->
  C:\kafka\bin\windows>zookeeper-server-start.bat ../../config/zookeeper.properties
  • run npm start on both kafka-demo-ui and server - including producer to start client and server