
An awesome list about possibilities to support Open Source


Awesome Open Source Supporting Awesome

An awesome list about possibilities to support Open Source

Everyone is using Open Source Software these days. It helps all of us to get things done. So you should start thinking about giving something back. Even if it’s only a friendly »Thank you ❤️« tweet or a quick pull request to fix a typo in the docs of your favorite project.

Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing.



JS Foundation

The JS Foundation supports some of the most important projects in the JavaScript ecosystem (ESLint, Lodash, Moment, webpack among others).

The foundation is financed entirely by its members and the donations and contributions from the JavaScript community.

Info about how to donate can be found over here.

Open Source Projects

📛 / 🌎 💰 :octocat: ✍️
Compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
Open Collective github.com/babel twitter.com/babeljs
Zero configuration web application bundler.
Open Collective github.com/parcel-bundler twitter.com/parceljs
Standard library for JavaScript and Node.js.
- github.com/stdlib-js/stdlib twitter.com/stdlibjs
Progressive framework for building user interfaces.
Open Collective github.com/vuejs twitter.com/vuejs
Build solution for modern web applications.
Open Collective github.com/webpack twitter.com/webpack
CQRS and event-sourcing framework for JavaScript and Node.js.
- github.com/thenativeweb/wolkenkit twitter.com/thenativeweb
Scaffolding tool for modern webapps.
Open Collective github.com/yeoman twitter.com/yeoman

Open Source Maintainers

📛 💰 📦 :octocat: ✍️
Feross Aboukhadijeh Patreon npmjs.com/~feross github.com/feross twitter.com/feross
Henry Zhu Patreon npmjs.com/~hzoo github.com/hzoo twitter.com/left_pad
Mathias Buus Patreon npmjs.com/~mafintosh github.com/mafintosh twitter.com/mafintosh
Sindre Sorhus Patreon npmjs.com/~sindresorhus github.com/sindresorhus twitter.com/sindresorhus

Contributing to Open Source


  • thanks - Get the donation URLs from the maintainers of your projects dependencies.
  • credits-cli - Find out on whose work your project is based on.



To the extent possible under law, Michael Kühnel has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.