
Star a Github repository.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Star a repository.


$ npm install github-star-repo


var star = require( 'github-star-repo' );

star( slug, options, clbk )

Stars a repository corresponding to a provided repository slug (:owner/:repo).

var opts = {
	'token': 'tkjorjk34ek3nj4!'

star( 'math-io/erfcinv', opts, clbk );

function clbk( error, info ) {
	// Check for rate limit information...
	if ( info ) {
		console.error( 'Limit: %d', info.limit );
		console.error( 'Remaining: %d', info.remaining );
		console.error( 'Reset: %s', (new Date( info.reset*1000 )).toISOString() );
	if ( error ) {
		throw new Error( error.message );
	console.log( 'Success!' );

The function accepts the following options:

To authenticate with Github, set the token option.

var opts = {
	'token': 'tkjorjk34ek3nj4!'

star( 'math-io/gammainc', opts, clbk );

To specify a user agent, set the useragent option.

var opts = {
	'token': 'tkjorjk34ek3nj4!',
	'useragent': 'hello-github!'

star( 'kgryte/utils-deep-set', opts, clbk );

star.factory( options, clbk )

Creates a reusable function.

var opts = {
	'token': 'tkjorjk34ek3nj4!',
	'useragent': 'hello-github!'

var like = star.factory( opts, clbk );

like( 'kgryte/github-star-repo' );
like( 'kgryte/github-create-repo' );
like( 'kgryte/utils-merge' );
// ...

The factory method accepts the same options as star().


var star = require( 'github-star-repo' );

var opts = {
	'token': '<your_token_goes_here>',
	'useragent': 'beep-boop-bop'

star( 'math-io/gamma', opts, clbk );

function clbk( error, info ) {
	if ( info ) {
		console.error( info );
	if ( error ) {
		throw new Error( error.message );
	console.log( 'Success!' );

To run the example code from the top-level application directory,

$ node ./examples/index.js

Note: in order to run the example, you will need to obtain an access token with appropriate permissions and modify the token option accordingly.



To use the module as a general utility, install the module globally

$ npm install -g github-star-repo


Usage: ghstar [options] slug


  -h,  --help                Print this message.
  -V,  --version             Print the package version.
       --token token         Github access token.
  -ua, --useragent ua        User agent.


  • In addition to the token option, the token may also be specified by a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. The command-line option always takes precedence.
  • Rate limit information is written to stderr.


Setting the access token using the command-line option:

$ DEBUG=* ghstar --token <token> math-io/gammaln
# => 'Starred math-io/gammaln.'

Setting the access token using an environment variable:

$ DEBUG=* GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> ghstar kgryte/utils-copy
# => 'Starred kgryte/utils-copy.'

For local installations, modify the command to point to the local installation directory; e.g.,

$ DEBUG=* ./node_modules/.bin/ghstar --token <token> math-io/float64-to-words
# => 'Starred math-io/float64-to-words.'

Or, if you have cloned this repository and run npm install, modify the command to point to the executable; e.g.,

$ DEBUG=* node ./bin/cli --token <token> kgryte/utils-deep-get
# => 'Starred kgryte/utils-deep-get.'



This repository uses tape for unit tests. To run the tests, execute the following command in the top-level application directory:

$ make test

All new feature development should have corresponding unit tests to validate correct functionality.

Test Coverage

This repository uses Istanbul as its code coverage tool. To generate a test coverage report, execute the following command in the top-level application directory:

$ make test-cov

Istanbul creates a ./reports/coverage directory. To access an HTML version of the report,

$ make view-cov

Browser Support

This repository uses Testling for browser testing. To run the tests in a (headless) local web browser, execute the following command in the top-level application directory:

$ make test-browsers

To view the tests in a local web browser,

$ make view-browser-tests


MIT license.


Copyright © 2016. Athan Reines.