
Materials for the SciPy 2023 Data APIs Consortium presentation and proceedings paper

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SciPy 2023 Array API Presentation

This repo contains materials for the SciPy 2023 Data APIs Consortium presentation and proceedings paper.

Proceedings Paper

The published proceedings paper can be found at https://conference.scipy.org/proceedings/scipy2023/aaron_meurer.html

To cite the paper, use

@InProceedings{ aaron_meurer-proc-scipy-2023,
  author    = { {A}aron {M}eurer and {A}than {R}eines and {R}alf {G}ommers and {Y}ao-{L}ung {L}. {F}ang and {J}ohn {K}irkham and {M}atthew {B}arber and {S}tephan {H}oyer and {A}ndreas {M}\"uller and {S}heng {Z}ha and {S}aul {S}hanabrook and {S}tephannie {J}im\'enez {G}acha and {M}ario {L}ezcano-{C}asado and {T}homas {J}. {F}an and {T}yler {R}eddy and {A}lexandre {P}assos and {H}yukjin {K}won and {T}ravis {O}liphant and {C}onsortium for {P}ython {D}ata {A}{P}{I} {S}tandards },
  title     = { {P}ython {A}rray {A}{P}{I} {S}tandard: {T}oward {A}rray {I}nteroperability in the {S}cientific {P}ython {E}cosystem },
  booktitle = { {P}roceedings of the 22nd {P}ython in {S}cience {C}onference },
  pages     = { 8 - 17 },
  year      = { 2023 },
  editor    = { {M}eghann {A}garwal and {C}hris {C}alloway and {D}illon {N}iederhut },
  doi       = { 10.25080/gerudo-f2bc6f59-001 }

SciPy Presentation

Slides for the SciPy presentation can be found on Speaker Deck or in this repo.