
tools for nRF24LU1 USB device

Primary LanguageC

nRF24L tools

This repository contains tools for nRF24L development. Successful compilation should give you access to nRF24L programming and RF debugging.

  • firmware
    • custom firmware for nRF24LU1 based dongle
    • since only 4 wires are used for programming, any dongle with these exposed will do
    • there are many compatible dongles found on ebay
    • compile using SDCC
    • this firmware supports
      • programming of any other nRF24L device
      • packet send and recv
    • not all nRF24L radio features are supported
  • rxtx
    • simple testing GTK+ packet sniffer and sender
    • requires libgtk+-3.0 and libusb
    • (try it with two dongles)
  • prog
    • simple command line programmer app
    • requires libusb


Carson Morrow for working USB library for nRF24LU1. See firmware/usb.c for more info.